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PART V. MONITORING STANDARDS AND <br />PROCEDURES <br />The City developed and implemented written CDBG and HOME monitoring procedures during <br />FY 2003-04. The procedures include a monitoring check sheet, an outline of the steps in the <br />monitoring process, guidance on providing technical assistance, regular (e.g. quarterly) reporting <br />requirements, and coordinating on-site monitoring visits. On-site visits are typically scheduled <br />for CDBG subrecipients whom staff identify as having or likely to have serious problems. City <br />staff plan to monitor most or all subrecipients in FY 2009-10. Monitoring visits not completed <br />in FY 2009-10 will be completed in FY 2010-11. If CDBG subrecipients continue to operate <br />successfully in compliance with HUD requirements, staff will conduct on-site visits periodically. <br />Staff also monitor subrecipients through file evaluation (e.g. quarterly reports, application). <br />Quarterly report forms were revised in FY 2006-07 to make this evaluation process more <br />effective for the CDBG grantee and subrecipients. <br />Final Action Plan -FY2009-10 <br />City of San Leandro <br />Page 20 <br />