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2512 Davis Funding CM Auth 2 May 4, 2009 <br />Center Drive at Davis Street. On January 16, 2007, the City Council passed an Ordinance <br />establishing a Plan Line for Eden Road from Doolittle Drive to Davis Street. <br />The extension of Eden Road will require land from five parcels; all zoned Industrial General <br />(IG). Attachment A shows the alignment. <br />1. 2660 Eden Road. This parcel is currently used to store dirt and debris (Dirt Farm). It is <br />being purchased in its entirety by the City for expansion of the Water Pollution Control <br />Plant (WPCP) from the heirs of Albert Zeitz. The portion of this parcel that is not needed <br />for the WPCP will be used for Eden Road. <br />2. 2550 Davis Street. This parcel is owned by John and Dolores Blasquez and occupied by <br />Bert & Johnnie's Auto to store used automobiles and sell auto parts. A portion of the <br />parcel is currently in the acquisition stage for the WPCP. The remaining portion of this <br />parcel will be used for Eden Road, but may not be acquired for some time. <br />3. 2650 Eden Road. This parcel is also owned by John and Dolores Blasquez and occupied <br />by Bert & Johnnie's Auto. A small segment of this parcel will be needed for Eden Road, <br />but the City may not acquire this portion for some time. <br />4. 2506 Davis Street. An approximately 6 -foot wide section along the frontage of this <br />parcel will be needed in the future for Eden Road. There are no current plans for <br />acquisition. <br />5. 2512 Davis Street. This parcel is the subject of this report. Acquisition of both the <br />building and land in their entirety from the property owner, Mr. Kenneth Bartlett, is <br />required for the future Eden Road as this site lies directly across the street from the <br />Business Center Drive -Davis Street intersection. <br />Analysis <br />On January 17, 2007, Mr. Bartlett contacted the City and asked if the City would purchase his <br />property if a price was determined that was agreeable to both parties. The City had the property <br />appraised and evaluated for contamination. Based on the appraisal and Phase I environmental <br />report, an offer of $805,000 was made in May 2007, which was declined by the property owner. <br />After making a special finding that a $45,000 increase in price was justified, another offer of <br />$850,000 was made in December 2007, which the property owner again declined. In March <br />2009, the property owner contacted the City and inquired if the offer was still valid and said that <br />if so, he was ready to accept the City's offer as the building is currently vacant and there are no <br />potential tenants. Given that the basis for the 2007 special finding for increased valuation no <br />longer exists, the City is no longer in a position to offer $850,000, and the current agreement is <br />for $805,000. <br />Acquisition of Eden Road right-of-way to improve traffic circulation in the Davis/Doolittle <br />intersection area is a Priority Project in the San Leandro Redevelopment Agency 2004-2009 <br />Implementation Plan and the 2007 Mid-term review. <br />This action will appropriate $805,000 of Redevelopment Agency funds for the acquisition of the <br />property needed for the project from the West San Leandro — MacArthur Boulevard <br />Redevelopment Project Area fund balance. <br />Current City Council/Redevelopment Agency Policy <br />Not Applicable <br />