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Minutes -City of San Leandro City Council and Page 5 <br />San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Joint Meeting -- May 17,1999 <br />Council Member Nardine complimented the Planning Commission on all the work <br />they have done on this issue. She referenced an earlier development down the <br />street, the Halcyon Development, which, at the time, was on a zero lot line. She <br />noted the children who came from that development crossed over the railroad <br />tracks, the lights at Washington Avenue, and the lights at Fremont Avenue, to go <br />to Monroe School. She commented on the impact on Schools as it relates to the <br />20 to 1 ratio. She noted there is a school site in the Madison area that is not <br />currently being used for a school, but is being used for administrative offices. With <br />regard to traffic, Council Member Nardine noted, with everyone she has spoken <br />to, that seems to be the biggest concern. <br />Vice Mayor Galvan questioned the demographics as they relate to the consumers <br />of this project. It was noted that a large percentage of single individuals and <br />couples without children , with a combined income averaging $80,000, tend to live <br />in this type of complex. <br />The Mayor indicated this proposal is not unlike some of the units in Heron Bay. <br />She stated she promotes the concept to have staff try to address the truck traffic <br />attempting to go through on Monterey and crossing over the overpass. She further <br />clarified that there is a homeowners' association that goes along with this <br />development, and the streets will be privately owned and maintained. <br />Council Member Nardine made a motion to set aside the Appeal and to approve, in <br />concept, the rezoning of the property to asingle-family, residential use (R5-PD); <br />to send the proposal back to the Planning Commission for a Fublic Hearing and <br />recommendation on the revised Planned Development Plan for a b2-unit project; <br />and that the staff convey the specific comments and concerns discussed this <br />evening. <br />The following Motion was then introduced: <br />-- Minute Order No. 99-28, Matter of Appeal by Reed Onate, Trumark <br />Companies, of the Planning Commission's Denial of A-98-9, PD-98-3, and <br />Vesting Tentative Map, Tracts 7092 and 7093. (2167/1099/1009/2863) <br />The City Council set aside the Appeal by Reed Onate, Trumark Companies, of <br />the Planning Commission's Denial of A-98-9, PD-98-3, and Vesting Tentative <br />Map, Tracts 7092 and 7093, and approved, in concept: <br />(1) Re-zoning of the property to single-family, residential use (RS-PD); <br />(2) Referring the revised plans presented tonight by Trumark Companies to the <br />Planning Commission for a Public Hearing and recommendation on the <br />revised Planned Development Plan fora 62-unit project; and <br />