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<br />Minutes -City of San Leandro City Council, Page 3 <br />San Leandro Economic Development Agency, San Leandro <br />Housing Finance Corporation, San Leandro Public Financing Authority, and <br />San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Joint Meeting -June 21,1999 <br />Larry Norry, 2532 Williams Street, addressed the City Council regarding the <br />former lease agreement with Mulford Gardens for maintenance of their park and <br />asked if that money was needed to balance their budget. He also remarked that the <br />Consent Calendar includes many resolutions that appear to be giving away money. <br />Kai Bender, 261 Begier Avenue, addressed the City Council questioning the <br />actual cost to renovate City Hall. He also expressed concerns with the transfer- <br />station fees, privatization of garbage services not necessarily being the solution, <br />and questioned how much overtime is spent in various departments. <br />Dana Johnson, 343 Farrelly Drive, addressed the City Council regarding the <br />budget and questioned how the City Council can act on this when it is not clear <br />how much anything actually costs. He said he would like to see the budget state <br />the actual costs for each department. He asked, if the revenues are greater than <br />expenditures, why is a shortfall being indicated? He continued by questioning why <br />there is a discrepancy in tax dollars between cities and why the City of San <br />Leandro is cutting back when other cities have money. <br />Justin Agrella, 1231 - 148` Avenue, addressed the City Council, asking for a <br />copy of the City's last audit, a copy of the cost-allocation study recently done, and <br />indicated he sees the recommendations for cuts in the proposed budget but <br />commented that the budget is going up 7% from last year's budget. <br />Lou Filipovich, 15376 Laverne Drive, addressed the City Council regarding an <br />Initiative Petition being circulated to change the Vehicle License Tax; grants that <br />are forthcoming; and said the City's budget does not talk about debt. He <br />concluded by stating the Mayor's raise in salary incurred debt for San Leandro <br />residents and continued by reading an article from a newspaper regarding "debt." <br />Darlene Evans, 361 Bristol, addressed the City Council, commenting that athree- <br />year plan for budgeting is a good thing. She also voiced concerns with Internet <br />accessibility in schools, library hardware and software, and the proposed Tree <br />Preservation Ordinance, which she feels should be expanded. She further <br />commented on garbage service, which she feels should be retained for residents <br />only, and that the Ciry should pursue a sports complex. <br />There being no further comments from the public, the Public Hearing was closed. <br />M/S/C Galvan and Loeffier. Ayes: 7; Noes: 0 <br />Council Member Loeffier expressed frustration with the budget process and the <br />lack of information on costs for the Deferred Compensation Fund, CalPers, Social <br />Security, as well as litigation over the last 10 years. He noted he has been told <br />