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Minutes -City of San Leandro City Council and Page 5 <br />San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Joint Meeting -July 19,1999 <br />3. PUBLIC HEARINGS -CITY COUNCIL ONLY (Continued) <br />A Matter of A-98-9; Reclassification from CC Community Commercial District to <br />RS (PD) Residential, Single-Family, Planned Development Overlay District; and <br />PD-98-3; Planned Development to Construct 52, Single-Family Cluster Homes <br />and 10 Duet/Townhouses (62 total units) on a 5.93-Acre Site; and Vesting <br />Tentative Man, Tracts 7092 and 7093; to Subdivide Two Parcels into 62, <br />Single-Family Lots and One Park Parcel with Private Streets; 14363 Chapman <br />Road and 701 Fremont Avenue; Bounded by Fremont Avenue on the West, <br />Chapman Road on the East, and Northerly of the Shopping Center on Floresta <br />Boulevard Between Washington Avenue and Fremont Avenue; Assessor's Parcel <br />Numbers 77B-1165-2-5; 2-6; 3-2; 4-2; 5-2; and 11; Trumark Companies. <br />-- Letter from Reed Onate, Trumark Companies, Applicant, dated July 14, 1999. <br />This being the time and place for the Public Hearing on the above matter, Steve <br />Emslie, Director of Development Services, introduced Hanson Hom, who gave a <br />brief staff report on the proposal. He noted the letter from Reed Onate, Trumark <br />Companies, Applicant, dated July 14, 1999, which proposed a modification to <br />Condition X.L. <br />The Hearing was then opened to the public. <br />1. Les Nardine, 938 Figueroa Drive, addressed the City Council in favor of the <br />proposal. <br />2. Yvette Rice, 13160 Neptune Drive, addressed the City Council in opposition <br />to the proposed homes. She expressed concerns with noise, that the homes are <br />too close together, concerns that the number of children will result in school <br />impacts, and the proposed homes are not attractive homes. She encouraged <br />the City Council to rethink the size and location of the lots. As a parent, she <br />stated she would urge the City Council to support the repairs to the John Muir <br />Pool. <br />3. Lou Filipovich, 15376 Laverne Drive, addressed the City Council, indicating <br />the developer is "conditioned" by so many things he will be passing his costs <br />on to the persons who buy the homes. He questioned how much this project <br />will generate for the schools and how much of this money will be passed <br />through to the Redevelopment Agency. <br />There being no further comments from the public, the Public Hearing was closed. <br />M/S/C Nardine and Galvan. Ayes: 7; Noes: 0 <br />