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Minutes -City of San Leandro City Council, Page 9 <br />San Leandro Redevelopment Agency and San Leandro Public Financing <br />Authority Special Joint Meeting -October 18, 1999 <br />Council Member Loeffler closed his remarks by reporting on his attendance at a <br />memorial service for young people who have died due to violence in Alameda <br />County in 1998. <br />4. Council Member Glaze commented on the upcoming National League of Cities <br />Conference taking place in Los Angeles and suggested that City Commission <br />Members should be invited to attend. <br />After a brief Council discussion, it was agreed that each Council Member would <br />nominate two representatives from their District serving on the various City <br />Boards and/or Commissions to attend the National League of Cities Conference <br />in December. It was also agreed that if additional Board or Commission <br />Members wished to attend at their own personal expense, they should be able to <br />do so. <br />5. Council Member Lothrop remarked about a letter she recently sent to the <br />Mulford Gardens Improvement Association and indicated that she would like to <br />see something worked out about the maintenance of the park. They will be <br />having a community meeting on Oct. 26, 1999. <br />Council Member Glaze indicated that if the matter is not resolved by October <br />26, 1999 he would be happy to meet, along with Council Member Lothrop, with <br />members of the community to address the issue. <br />Council Member Lothrop indicated that she attended a meeting with community <br />members, American Golf and staff of Public Works. The people who were <br />present were supportive of golf course improvements. Some concerns were <br />expressed as it relates to the times that fill will be trucked into the golf course. <br />She also noted that American Golf will be setting up a designated phone line for <br />residents to voice their concerns. She requested that staff set up a meeting of <br />the Golf Course Ad Hoc Committee so that they could discuss the possibility of <br />residential fees applying to the businessowners in San Leandro. The City <br />Council was supportive of convening a meeting of that Ad Hoc Committee. <br />Council Member Lothrop, referencing the Minutes of the Planning Commission <br />Meeting, indicated that she was frustrated by comments made by some of the <br />Planning Commissioners. She indicated that it appears that the Planning <br />Commissioners are not getting feedback regarding issues of mutual concern that <br />are being discussed at the City Council level. She questioned if the Planning <br />Commission has seen the West Advisory Committee Recommendations, the <br />Joint San Leandro/Oakland Gateway Plan, or the designs for the shopping center <br />improvements for the intersection of Doolittle and Marina. <br />