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.` <br />Minutes - City of San Leandro City Council Meeting Page - 10 - <br />March 2, 1998 <br />B. Minute Order No. 98-12, Resolution Approving an Administrative Policy <br />for the Placement of Directional Signs for Business Districts, <br />Recreational Facilities, Religious Institutions, Government Facilities, <br />and Shopping Centers in the Public Right of Way (provides for a uniform, <br />directional-sign program to direct residents and visitors to important <br />destinations within the City). (1049) <br />The City Council continued the matter of a Resolution Approving an <br />Administrative Policy for the Placement of Directional Signs for <br />Business Districts, Recreational Facilities, Religious Institutions, <br />Government Facilities, and Shopping Centers in the Public Right of Way <br />for six (6) months to the September 8, 1998, City Council Meeting, and <br />directed staff to return to Council with an indepth report and proposed <br />overall policy on the size/color of signs, and a plan to reduce the <br />number and location of them throughout the City. <br />M/S/C Young and Galvan. Ayes: 7; Noes: 0 <br />C. Matter of Gun Tax Ordinance as a Measure on the Ballot for the June 2, <br />1998, San Leandro Municipal Election. <br />Council Member Glaze commented that the election and the next few months <br />will result in some turbulent times. He stated there are already two <br />items on the ballot, the Business License Tax and the Reauthorization of <br />Measure "B," that he feels are more important. He added that he <br />applauds his colleagues for what they are trying to do, but he feels <br />this proposed gun tax is punitive and directed to only one business in <br />order to make a statement. He feels the City will gain very little and <br />will lose a great deal. He would hope the Council would reconsider what <br />they're doing, what they're causing, and what this gun tax will do. He <br />concluded by stating that you cannot put all these taxes on one ballot <br />and expect the people of San Leandro to swallow it. <br />Council Member Polvorosa responded that those are valid concerns, but <br />the Council has to rely on the intelligence of its voters. He, too, <br />feels it is a punitive tax, but the object is to save lives. He noted <br />a number of guns turn up during the commission of a felony and other <br />various crimes. He feels this gun tax is a good thing for the <br />community. <br />Council Member Galvan stated he was opposed to the tax when it came <br />before the Council before. He appreciates everyone's position but feels <br />this tax is an abuse of the City's taxing authority. If he felt the tax <br />would save one life or that the money would go to victims' families, he <br />would be supportive of the tax. But, he feels there are other crucial <br />issues on the ballot, and those needs take precedence over this gun tax. <br />He stated his concerns with the legal footing the City would have if it <br />had to defend this proposed ordinance, as it is targeting one business, <br />in particular. He questioned the City Attorney as to the likelihood of <br />a lawsuit, should this measure pass. <br />