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Minutes 1998 0302
City Clerk
City Council
Minutes 1998 0302
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•t <br />M <br />Minutes - City of San Leandro City Council Meeting Page - 14 - <br />March 2, 1998 <br />C. City Council Comments <br />1. Vice Mayor Loeffler commented that it is good to be back from the Far <br />East. He commented on the speed humps he saw in operation throughout <br />his trip. He also commented on how proud he was of how the City <br />responded to the recent rain storms. He further noted that the City <br />has completed most of its salary negotiations with most of the <br />employee groups during the time that he was gone. He added that, as <br />he recalled when discussions began about the budget for this year, <br />there was a $1 million surplus. He asked the City Manager, after the <br />employee negotiations were completed, what amount of money did that <br />represent out of the $1 million? <br />The City Manager estimated there is about $50,000 left. The basic <br />provisions for the salary adjustments, given the size of the work <br />force, average about $800,000 to $900,000 a year. <br />Vice Mayor Loeffler commented on the importance of that information <br />to the community and added that the community needs to be educated as <br />to the costs of City employees. For example, when they see a typical <br />City service being provided, it is important they understand what the <br />cost factor is. He feels there is a lot of mystery as to where the <br />money goes in our City. <br />Vice Mayor Loeffler indicated that he passed onto to Council a letter <br />from Union Pacific Railroad that he received while he was gone. He <br />noted he is optimistic we will see some solution from the railroad on <br />re-doing our railroad crossings. <br />City Manager Jermanis noted we did not get the information in the <br />same format as Vice Mayor Loeffler did, in terms of the locations <br />that have been discussed; and he added he wanted to get a report back <br />to Vice Mayor Loeffler as to what the full extent of the agreement is <br />and what the format is. He noted he had mentioned previously they <br />were looking at 30 railroad crossings that need some attention, and <br />the letter to the Vice Mayor indicates they have settled on the first <br />six. The City Manager indicated he will get Vice Mayor Loeffler more <br />information on this. <br />Vice Mayor Loeffler asked what issues the Council will be taking to <br />Washington, D.C., to seek help from the Federal Government on. <br />The Mayor noted one of the primary things would be to have on-going <br />discussions with FEMA with regard to responding to the issues of this <br />past storm. The Council also has an on-going interest in what is <br />going on with the National Endowment for the Arts, Welfare to Work, <br />Flood Insurance, scheduling of a meeting with HUD, and transportation <br />dollars. She noted Council Members will be meeting with Congressman <br />Pete Stark. The Council Members will also be meeting regarding crime <br />prevention, additional funding for the Police Department, and they <br />will be meeting with Senators Feinstein and Boxer. The Mayor <br />indicated she will not be attending the Conference. <br />
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