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Minutes - City of San Leandro City Council and Page - 3 - <br />San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Meeting - April 20, 1998 <br />Steve Emslie then went over the Ordinance in greater detail, noting <br />there has been a change in the minimum age that would be allowed <br />admittance to such an establishment, which will be 21 years of age <br />instead of 18. He explained to the Council the locations that have been <br />determined for such a use and commented on how staff determined these <br />particular locations. <br />Beth Greene explained in greater detail the permitting process. <br />The Council asked and received answers regarding how these locations <br />were determined and questioned various aspects of the Ordinance as it <br />pertained to compatibility and safety. <br />The City Attorney, in response to a Council question, noted this <br />proposed Ordinance is as restrictive as is legally possible. <br />The Hearing was then opened to the public. <br />Mr. Copeland, 162nd Avenue, addressed the Council, commenting that this <br />kind of establishment is not covered by law or the Constitution, and <br />said the City should do everything possible to keep them out of San <br />Leandro. <br />Father Bill O'Donnell, Berkeley, addressed the Council in opposition to <br />the proposed Ordinance. He relayed his experiences with such <br />establishments in Berkeley and noted that the consequences of this kind <br />of sex-trade business is that it attracts violence and drugs, massage <br />parlors, prostitution and pimps. He urged the Council to deny action on <br />such an Ordinance. <br />Carol 6arapolo, 3776 Piedmont Avenue, Oakland, addressed the Council <br />noting she owns a business directly across the street from such an <br />establishment. She added that people tend to skirt the issue. <br />Businesses such as these tend to market their establishments differently <br />than what they actually are - they are not educational, they are <br />entertainment. She feels strongly that they should have a zone of <br />their own, away from all other businesses. <br />Carey Walker, 471 Santa Monica, addressed the Council, stating there is <br />already sexual programming on HBO and Showtime. <br />Jerry Flory, 964 Figueroa Drive, addressed the Council, noting he has a <br />business at Marina and Verna Court. He stated that it sounds like the <br />Planning Commission is promoting adult stores in San Leandro. He <br />suggests the City not provide any place for them to locate, and let them <br />fight it out in the courts. <br />Melanie Smith, Nest Avenue 133rd, addressed the Council in opposition to <br />the adult-oriented-business Ordinance. She read a letter by her <br />daughter, Audrey Buna, 13 years old, asking that the Council not approve <br />such an Ordinance, indicating it would be detrimental to the safety of <br />women and children. She concluded by stating the Council needs to have <br />the interests of protecting our children as their first priority. <br />