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Minutes - City of San Leandro City Council Meeting Page - 6 - <br />June 1, 1998 <br />public and by the City. It should allow for, in year 2020, that there <br />be more than X50,000 in public use. She further clarified that the X10 <br />million will be recaptured throughout the term of the Lease. In <br />conclusion, she stated she agreed with comments made by Council Member <br />Glaze regarding traffic mitigation that should be studied, whether or <br />not this project goes forward. <br />Council discussion took place regarding the negotiation efforts that <br />took place with the hotel and restaurant employees' unions. It was <br />noted an offer to have an independent election once employees were hired <br />was rejected. Discussion regarding living wage vs. prevailing wages <br />ensued. The City Manager noted "fait wage" of comparable employees at <br />hotels was considered. It was also clarified that, if this Agreement <br />contained a neutrality agreement with the hotel and restaurant <br />employees' union, would they be supportive. It was indicated they would <br />not - it depends on the definition of "neutrality." <br />Discussion then took place regarding the precedence for public <br />improvements at the Marina, referencing Horatio's and the Marina Inn. <br />The necessity of studying traffic issues out in that area was <br />acknowledged, and staff indicated they will bring something back to the <br />Council in the next couple of months. <br />The Mayor thanked Mike Dunlap, Barry Luboviski, and Jeff Davenport for <br />their efforts. She stated she hopes they can continue to work with the <br />parties involved. Her hope is that staff will continue to work and <br />encourage the developer to negotiate with them to ensure the employees' <br />rights and concerns are dealt with. She feels it would be beneficial to <br />come to an agreement with the labor union and the building unions. <br />Council Member Young clarified that signage issues will come back to the <br />Council at a later date. <br />Council Member Glaze stated that the Council has worked hard to come up <br />with an agreement with the trades and a neutrality agreement. He hopes <br />one of the things we get out of this is a clear, concise agreement. He <br />would like to address issues, such as, what is the bottom line, what do <br />they want, and what do they need to make this agreement work. <br />Council Member Lothrop commented that she doesn't want to wait until the <br />last minute to work out the issues with the hotel and restaurant unions. <br />She also stated the Council needs to talk about considering a "living <br />wage" in San Leandro. <br />The following Resolution was then introduced: <br />Resolution No. 98-59, Resolution Approving a Lease Agreement and Other <br />Documents Between the San Francisco Bay Conference Center Resort, <br />L.L.C., and the City of San Leandro Regarding the Network Conference <br />Center. (2840) <br />M/S/C Lothrop and Polvorosa. Ayes: 6; Noes: 0; Absent: Loeffler <br />