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Minutes -City of San Leandro City Council Meeting Page 4 <br />September 21, 1998 <br />4. PUBLIC COMMENTS <br />Public Comments aze limited to 5 minutes per person; however, at City Council's <br />discretion, based upon the number of speakers, the time allotted may be less. The <br />public is invited to make any comments related to Agenda items, or other items of <br />public interest, at this time. <br />A. Ned Kizmit, 1930 Fairway Drive, addressed the Council and spoke in favor of <br />the West San Leandro/MacArthur Boulevazd Redevelopment Advisory <br />Committee, noting the process is key for input by the business community. He <br />feels what is proposed is the best method to get that input and would urge <br />Council's support. <br />B. Jim Atbey, 1805 Sunbird, addressed the Council with concerns regarding <br />Williams Street and parking neaz schools. He indicated he feels additional traffic <br />enforcement is needed. He feels the City should work with the School District and <br />would suggest the City consider apull-out at the school. <br />C. Richmond Marshall, 15014 Wengate Street, addressed the Council and <br />requested that Item S.C on the Consent Calendaz regarding Farnsworth/Manor <br />Intersection Improvements be removed for discussion. He concluded by <br />congratulatung those individuals being appointed and re-appointed to various <br />Boards and Commissions. <br />D. Rick Richards, 335 Peralta Avenue, addressed the Council on behalf of the <br />Friends of the Creek, thanking Mayor Young and Council Member Loeffler for the <br />Creek clean-up. He noted his appreciation for their efforts and noted that they are <br />on target for completion. He concluded by stating the dedication has been <br />scheduled for October 17, 1998, at 10:00 a.m. <br />E. Tom Guarino, Representing the Chamber of Commerce, addressed the <br />Council in support of the West San Leandro/MacArthur Boulevazd <br />Redevelopment Advisory Committee. He recognized the good work of June <br />Catalano and Debbie Potter regarding this effort and noted he originally had <br />suspicions but now greatly supports the project. He continued by thanking the <br />Council for their participation in the Business Walk and reported there were 200 <br />businesses visited. <br />F. Larry Norry, 2532 Williams Street, addressed the Council regarding the <br />shortcomings in the petition -- for example, the statistics which were given to Ray <br />Davis regarding Neptune Drive and speed humps. He noted the Council discussed <br />the issue extensively at the last Council meeting and staff was instructed to not <br />build speed humps in that azea. <br />