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Agmt 2008 California State Coastal Conservancy
City Clerk
City Council
Agmt 2008 California State Coastal Conservancy
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7/20/2009 3:22:52 PM
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Agmt 2006 State Coastal Conservancy
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Spartina. In addition, as required by Proposition 50, the proposed project is consistent <br />with local and regional plans (Water Code Section 79507). The Goals Report is a multi- <br />jurisdictional local planning document providing guidance for watershed protection <br />activities for the San Francisco Bay. Proposition 50 recognizes the San Francisco <br />Baylands Ecosystem Habitat Goals Report ("Goals Report ") as appropriate to guide the <br />selection of restoration projects within the Bay region (Water Code Section 79572). As <br />discussed in the paragraph below, the ISP Control Program carries out the objectives of <br />the Goals Report. <br />Conservancy funding for the proposed disbursement of $249,425 for invasive Spartina <br />treatment and eradication projects is expected to be provided under an existing grant <br />agreement by which WCB may provide funds to the Conservancy for San Francisco Bay <br />projects. Under the grant agreement with WCB, the Conservancy may use these funds <br />for wetland habitat restoration projects within the nine-county San Francisco Bay Area <br />that implement the restoration goals of the San Francisco Bay Joint Venture ("SFBJV") <br />and the Goals Report and that meet the priorities of the Conservancy as described in <br />Section 31162 of the Public Resources Code. In addition, any proposed project must, <br />under the WCB grant agreement, be a "high priority" project as identified in the grant <br />agreement or otherwise authorized as a priority project by WCB in the "Memorandum of <br />Understanding" between WCB and the Conservancy that is required before any project <br />may move forward. <br />The WCB grant funding, in turn, is derived from an appropriation from the Water <br />Security, Clean Drinking Water, Coastal Beach Protection Fund of 2002 (Proposition SO), <br />The Proposition 50 funds were appropriated under the specific authorization found in <br />Section 79572(c) of the Water Code and maybe used for the general purpose of <br />acquisition, protection and restoration of coastal wetlands. <br />The project meets the criteria of the WCB grant agreement and the related requirements <br />of Proposition 50 in all respects. As required by the WCB grant agreement and <br />Proposition 50, the proposed project serves to protect and preserve fish and wildlife <br />habitat of the San Francisco Bay through restoration of wetlands, and is specifically <br />identified in the WCB grant agreement as a high priority project that specifically benefits <br />the San Francisco Estuary. Further, the project is one that implements the objectives of <br />the 5FBJV and Goals Report. It also squarely meets the priorities and objectives of the <br />Conservancy found in Section 31162 of the Public Resources Code, since it carves out <br />the San Francisco Bay Area Conservancy Program's goal to protect, restore, and enhance <br />natural habitats as detailed under the heading "Consistency with Conservancy's Enabling <br />Legislation", below. <br />B. Breakdown by Grantee of Expected Financing for 2006 Treatment Proiects: <br />Depending on the respective efficacy of the 2007 treatment found at the various project <br />sites, the funding each grantee will receive maybe adjusted among grantees, but with no <br />increase to the total amount authorized. While each grantee previously contributed <br />r~.,. t. <br />
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