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City of San Leandro <br />Sewer System Management Plan <br />Volume I <br />forwarded to the City's Engineering staff where they are prioritized and scheduled into the <br />capital improvement program. <br />Approximately 5% of the system is included in the focused cleaning program, with cleaning on a <br />30, 60, or 90-day schedule. Cleaning frequency depends on the history and cause of stoppages or <br />overflows on a line. Focused cleaning is performed primarily by jetting. <br />Root Control <br />The City has both a focused and cyclic root treatment program that covers approximately one- <br />third of the system per year. Roots encroach upon the interior of sewer mains through structural <br />cracks faulty pipe joints and defective laterals. Root intrusion is also a common problem in sewer <br />laterals which are shallow and frequently not as well constructed as sewer mains. Consequently, <br />root intrusion occurs most often on private property. <br />If roots are observed to be an issue during routine cleaning, in response to complaints, or through <br />observations from CCTV inspections, root cutting is performed with chain flail attachments on <br />the fetters or with mechanical cutters. <br />Grease Removal and Control <br />The City includes grease cleaning as part of its focused maintenance programs. The City is <br />expanding its grease control program to include inspections of grease interceptors every 12 <br />months in areas with high grease accumulations in sewers. Grease generally enters the sewer <br />system as a liquid and solidifies when cooled. Grease accumulation on pipe walls and <br />conveyance to the treatment plant is a potential cause of SSOs. The City also requires food <br />processing establishments to adopt best management practices to minimize grease discharges to <br />the collection system. The City routinely cleans known grease hot spots and is actively working <br />to mitigate the source control through our FOG programs. <br />Scheduled Inspections and Condition Assessment <br />The City has taken a proactive approach in inspecting and evaluating the condition of the <br />collection system and supporting facilities. Routine weekly inspections are conducted on all <br />sewer lift stations for safety hazards and condition assessment. The City has an ongoing CCTV <br />inspection program to identify issues in the tributary collection system areas and to provide cause <br />analysis after SSO events. The City maintains an electronic database of scheduled cleaning work <br />orders and past history for all of the sewer mains within the City. <br />The City of San Leandro is currently in the process of establishing the criticality of sewer <br />segments to prioritize and schedule that problem area for replacement or repair based on criteria <br />set by the City's Engineering and Maintenance staff. The complete history of maintenance <br />operations and performance is housed in the ICOM3 data warehouse. Keeping the history current <br />requires only that current routine maintenance activities findings and performance be timely <br />uploaded to the program. <br />Page ~ ~. <br />