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Reso 2009-115
City Clerk
City Council
Reso 2009-115
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Last modified
7/23/2009 11:31:20 AM
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7/23/2009 11:31:18 AM
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City of San Leandro <br />Sewer System Management Plan <br />Volume I <br />System Evaluation <br />Overview <br />The purpose of the System Evaluation is to provide guidance to the City and staff for the <br />identification and prioritization of repair, refurbishments and maintenance activities that will lead <br />to the elimination of structural and conditional mitigated causes of SSOs. <br />The SSMP establishes a goal of "No Overflows," but recognizes that cost benefit analysis and <br />risk management should be used to prioritize system deficiencies identified and planned for <br />correction for the reduction in SSOs. <br />The City intends to accomplish this by implementing a continuous improvement mode leading <br />from Scheduled Maintenance to Preventive and Proactive Maintenance. Proactive maintenance <br />includes performing a periodic condition assessment of the individual system assets to address <br />and correct system problems contributing to system failure before that time occurs. Many of the <br />necessary assessment practices are in place and operating successfully at the City. <br />Assessing the System (Condition Assessment) <br />The City has a preventive maintenance (PM) program currently being managed on the City's <br />collection system in compliance with the requirements of the SSMP. The PM program <br />incorporates Video Inspection /Condition Assessment (VUCA) of the collection system <br />combined with visual manhole inspection as a routine maintenance task or activity of the <br />maintenance department. The purpose is to rate and rank investigated line segments by damage <br />severity, then with engineer and management input, act to correct significant system problems <br />before their becoming the source of a sanitary sewer overflow (SSO). <br />Line segments or other assets selected for damage correction become the capital projects of the <br />upcoming FY, and follow the usual planning, design and construction activities to completion <br />and acceptance as the upgraded asset of the collection system. <br />During these activities, the project, once identified and funded moves without delay to <br />completion with responsibility being with Engineering and Financial Management until the <br />project is accepted and returned to the maintenance phase of its life cycle. <br />CCTV Inspections <br />The City maintains a comprehensive television inspection program. Sewer segments undergo <br />detailed video inspection for both structural and condition damage. The program provides for <br />televising the entire collection system every seven years. Critical defects are identified for spot <br />repairs and deteriorated reaches for potential rehabilitation or replacement. A future cleaning <br />frequency can be determined for each pipe reach based on the results of the inspections. In the <br />future, some pipe reaches may need inspecting every 10 years. <br />~~~ ~ ~.~ <br />
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