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Minutes - City of San Leandro City Council and Page - 8 - <br />San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Special Meeting - June 30, 1997 <br />Council Member Glaze echoed Council Member Polvorosa's comments. He <br />noted, if more developers took as much interest in the community's <br />input, things would blend in more. On a personal note, he interjected <br />with regard to the tenant mix, that he was excited to hear the <br />announcement that Krogan's is one of the tenants looking at going into <br />the site. He added that they are a quality restaurant, and he is <br />excited at the possibility of them coming to San Leandro. <br />Vice Mayor Loeffler commended the developer for listening to the <br />community. He commented on his support for the tiles being designed by <br />children in the community. <br />Council Member Lothrop stated she really appreciates the hard work on <br />behalf of the developer and commented on the informative booklet <br />provided to the Council. She feels they have "hit a home run" with this <br />proposal. <br />Council Member Polvorosa commented on the creek walk aspect and <br />questioned if they would be removing the eucalyptus trees. Mr. Irmer <br />responded that they would be inventorying and choosing which healthy <br />trees to retain and which less-well-to-do plants will be removed. They <br />will be focusing on what will accentuate the Creek and its use. He did <br />comment that the citizens involved are electing to keep the better <br />specimens of eucalyptus trees. <br />Council Member Polvorosa added that the eucalyptus trees are dirty and <br />are afire hazard, and he would be supportive of removing those trees. <br />Council Member Young thanked the developer for what she feels is a very <br />attractive design. She also thanked Council Member Lothrop for her <br />strong input into this project. <br />Council Member Galvan stated his appreciation to the developers for <br />their patience regarding the uses. He feels they have done a marvelous <br />job working with the community. <br />Mayor Corbett commented that she appreciated the challenge they met and <br />the sensitivity they showed to the area, noting they really listened to <br />the community. She asked about the proposed "living fence" and <br />concluded by stating she appreciates the care the developer took in <br />incorporating the heritage of the community into the project. She <br />continued by stating she will "keep her fingers crossed" for the <br />continuation of this project as we look at the other tenants that will <br />be brought forth for this site. She concluded by thanking the developer <br />and architect for taking the time to listen to the community's concerns <br />regarding this site. <br />The architect responded to the Mayor regarding the "living fence," <br />noting that it is posts with guidelines that allow vegetation to grow <br />up them. It is proposed to deter children from walking down a deep <br />edge. They were concerned with proposing something that would not take <br />away from the Creek. <br />