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Minutes - City of San Leandro City Council and Page - 4 - <br />San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Meeting - September 2, 1997 <br />3. PUBLIC HEARINGS <br />A. Matter of A-97-8; Marina Boulevard Rezoning to Provide "S" Special <br />Review Overlay District to Portions of Marina Boulevard Between Marina <br />Boulevard at Doolittle Drive to Marina Boulevard at Washington Avenue, <br />As Well As Portions of Side Streets Between Doolittle Drive and <br />Washington Avenue, Just Off Marina Boulevard. The Purpose of the "S" <br />Overlay District Is to Encourage Uses That: (1) Recognize the Gateway, <br />Industrial/Distribution, and Recreational Aspects of Marina Boulevard <br />and Surrounding Streets from Doolittle Drive to I-880; (2) Recognize the <br />Retail and Automobile Sales Aspects of Marina Boulevard and Surrounding <br />Streets from I-880 to San Leandro Boulevard; and (3) Recognize the <br />Neighborhood Commercial and Residential Aspects of Marina Boulevard and <br />Surrounding Streets from San Leandro Boulevard to Washingto~194®~~®09) <br />- Letter Received OQposing the Marina Boulevard Rezoning <br />- Mrs. J. Kaiser, 82 Cornwall Way, San Leandro, dated August <br />16, 1997. <br />This being the time and place for the Public Hearing on the above <br />matter, Steve Emslie, Planning Manager, gave a brief staff report <br />regarding what the "S" Overlay is and how it works in conjunction with <br />surrounding zoning; and introduced Kathleen Livermore, Associate City <br />Planner, who described the "S" Overlay area in greater detail. <br />Council Member Polvorosa suggested that a section of Montague, near <br />Teagarden, should be included in the Overlay. Staff responded that <br />amendment can be brought back to the Council at a later date. <br />Council Member Lothrop announced she will be abstaining from discussion <br />and/or action on this item as she resides in the subject area. <br />The Hearing was then opened to the public. <br />Ralph Renholtz, 2035 Eveleth Avenue, addressed the Council, expressing <br />concerns regarding noise from loud speakers from the proposed used car <br />lot; stated he could not understand how an automobile agency would <br />beautify an area; expressed concerns with potential traffic problems; <br />and said vacant lots tend to be used for storage facilities until <br />development occurs. He would like to see the Council commit to having <br />the weeds removed from the two lots between Eveleth Avenue and Pacific <br />Avenue that have been a problem for some time. He concluded by stating <br />street signs are missing from Marina Boulevard and Eveleth Avenue. <br />The City Manager explained the issue of noise in the neighborhood was <br />addressed when the Disposition and Development Agreement (DDA) was put <br />together on the automobile agency property. They have indicated they do <br />not use a loud-speaker system to contact their employees. <br />Al Rosenga, 534 Parrott Street, addressed the Council, stating the <br />section of Marina Boulevard between San Leandro Boulevard and Washington <br />Avenue should have been excluded from the Overlay area. <br />