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Minutes - City of San Leandro City Council Meeting <br />November 24, 1997 <br />Page - 6 - <br />that perhaps the City should consider a noise ordinance rather than <br />filing a lawsuit. He questioned how the City could file a lawsuit <br />without a noise ordinance. He concluded by stating he is for stopping <br />all expansion of the airport - indicating they just don't have the space <br />to do so. <br />I. Kai Bender, addressed the Council, stating he feels the Port of Oakland <br />is playing a kind of "shell game" with the City. He questioned if we <br />had tried to work with the City of Alameda in order to profit from their <br />experience with the Port. Mr. Bender also commented on BART trains and <br />how they would be affected by a noise ordinance also, noting they are <br />very loud. <br />The Mayor responded that the Airport listens to lawsuits, which is what <br />Alameda threatened. <br />Vice Mayor Loeffler suggested the Council may want to appoint a formal body <br />that oversees the issues with regard to the Port of Oakland. <br />J. Harold Perez, Timothy Drive, addressed the Council, stating no one is <br />addressing the height limits of the planes coming over San Leandro. He <br />commented that they are flying much too low and wants to know what is <br />being done about that issue. <br />Mayor Corbett suggested staff look into adding slope of the flight path <br />of the planes on the list of issues. <br />K. Lou Filipovich, 15376 Laverne Drive, addressed the Council and clarified <br />that the City would be authorizing litigation for the Port of Oakland as <br />it relates to the Oakland Airport operation. He also clarified that the <br />City of Alameda did not sue the Airport prior to 1994. It was noted the <br />EIR is coming from the Port of Oakland. He suggested that the tables <br />are not turned - the Council is required to take public input but does <br />not have to necessarily do what they say and now the Port of Oakland is <br />doing the same thing. <br />L. Wakaa Aborashed, 692 Tudor Road, addressed the Council and thanked them <br />for the work they have done on the Airport issue. She noted that she <br />remembers when there were only three people speaking from San Leandro <br />against the expansion of the Airport. She said the City needs to be a <br />part of everything the Airport does. She would like to see the <br />airplanes go over Oakland, instead. She would also like more <br />information on the proposed insulation program. <br />The Mayor reminded Ms. Aborashed that the insulation program is a <br />proposed mitigation measure and that we are not sure if it will be <br />responded to. <br />Motion by Council Member Lothrop, seconded by Vice Mayor Loeffler, to adopt <br />the proposed resolution. <br />