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2.7 Short Term Disability Insurance <br />No later than July, 2002, the City and the Association shall conduct an election to <br />determine if represented employees wish to be covered by the State Disability Insurance <br />Program, at the employees expense. If implemented, the insurance shall be integrated <br />with any accrued leaves in a manner to insure that there is no change in employee's net <br />pay. <br />Section 3.0 Un'orm Allowance <br />For the term of this Agreement, the uniform allowance for sworn classifications shall be <br />maintained in an amount equal to that provided to Police Officer and Police Sergeant <br />classifications and be paid by separate check. <br />Section 4.0 Vacation Leave <br />Vacation leave for each full-time employee shall be accrued and credited for the pay period in <br />which it was earned. An employee holding afull-time position shall be entitled to a vacation <br />leave which shall accrue at the rate of twelve (12) days for each calendar year of service <br />performed. If a newly hired employee possesses five (S) years of experience in the field in <br />which he/she is hired, he/she shall accrue vacation leave at the rate of fifteen (15) days for each <br />calendar year of service performed. <br />The City shall evaluate employees hired before February 1, 2002 who have not yet performed <br />five (5) full years of City service, to determine if they possessed the required experience when <br />they were hired. If so, their accrual rate will be changed to fifteen (15) days. If not, their accrual <br />rate will be changed from ten (10) days to twelve (12) days effective January 1, 2002. <br />In the calendar year in which an employee holding afull-time position completes five (5) full <br />years of City service, such employee shall be entitled to fifteen and three- quarters (15 3/4) work <br />days of vacation. For each full year of full-time City service completed thereafter, three-quarters <br />(3/4) of a work day of vacation shall be added up to a maximum of twenty-five (25) work days of <br />vacation. <br />An employee who is in unpaid status for 44 or more hours in a pay period shall not accrue <br />vacation leave for that pay period. <br />In the event one or more municipal holidays falls within a vacation leave, such days shall not be <br />charged as vacation leave and the vacation leave shall be extended accordingly for those <br />employees eligible for such holidays. <br />Management employees may accumulate vacation leave up to a maximum of three (3) years <br />vacation accrual An additional year maybe accumulated with Department Head approval. <br />Section 5.0 Management Incentive <br />Management employees shall receive management incentive pay at the rate of 80 hours per <br />calendar year; such amount shall be paid equally at each pay period. Such pay is given in <br />recognition of the unique nature of their position (e.g. projects, resolution of difficult issues). <br />4 <br />