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The technical specifications will be in accordance with the City's format and the standard <br />specifications for Public Works where applicable and will cover methods and materials for <br />construction. Consultant will provide a "take-off' of quantities and prepare an estimated cost of <br />construction. <br />Consultant will provide plans, specifications and estimates to the City and DBW for their review <br />and comment. Consultant will meet with the City after each submittal to discuss their comments <br />and answer their questions. Results of the meetings will be incorporated into the contract <br />documents. <br />Consultant will coordinate and communicate with City staff throughout the process to confirm <br />decisions and answer questions. <br />Consultant will provide the contract documents for submittal to the City for bidding. <br />CONSULTANT Deliverables: <br />^ Plans, specifications <br />0 30%, 70% and 100% (6sets of plans, 1 set of specifications to the City plus 1 set <br />of plans & specifications to DBW) <br />o Final submittal (1 set of plans, signed on mylar plus electronic file of plans and <br />specifications to the City plus 1 set of construction documents on CD-ROM to <br />DBW) <br />^ Meeting minutes <br />^ Updated schedules and estimate at 30%, 70% and 100% <br />Task 2 -PERMITS <br />Task 2A -Environmental Documentation and Regulatory Permitting (Permits Phase) <br />Consultant will prepare California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) documents and <br />regulatory permit applications. CEQA documents will be limited to the preparation of a Notice <br />of Exemption, an Initial Study and the preparation of a Negative Declaration. Consultant will <br />provide this documentation. Consultant will fill out the permit applications for the U.S. Army <br />Corps of Engineers (USAGE), Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB), and San <br />Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission (BCDC). <br />These applications will be based on the approved preliminary plan. Prior to filing the permit <br />applications, Consultant will contact agency staff to discuss the project and any concerns on their <br />part. These concerns will be addressed, if possible, in the plan and permit applications. Once the <br />applications have been filed, Consultant will monitor their progress with each agency and answer <br />questions or provide additional data as necessary to complete the process. <br />Consultant Deliverables: <br />^ GEQA documents <br />Relocate Boat Launch Ramp January 6, 2005 <br />Project. No. 150-38-246 Page 17 of 21 <br />