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<br />Description of Services <br />Audit Approach <br />Our audit will be comprised of the following major phases in order to best respond to and address the City's request <br />for proposal. Our staffing for the City's audit will include individuals who when combined have in excess of 100 years of <br />governmental experience. We understand governmental auditing and the related risk areas. Our audit will be planned in <br />the phases listed below: <br />e Pre-audit and planning phase <br />® Interim fieldwork <br />e Final fieldwork <br />e Exit phase <br />Idenfification of Anticipafed Potential Audit Problems <br />As discussed above, the partner will spend time in the field during the audit. This will assist with any issues that may be <br />encountered. Most issues can be dealt with quickly by simply communicating with the appropriate person at the City. If we <br />become aware of irregularities and/or illegal acts, these instances would be reported to the appropriate City official. We do <br />not anticipate these types of issues to arise, but we are capable of addressing these situations in a professional manner. <br />If necessary, our firm employs certified fraud examiners, internal auditors and has an on-staff crime investigator (retired <br />sheriff detective) to assist our audit teams with potential problems. <br />24 <br />