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and layout, supplemented by the consultant's drafting standards, standard details, <br />symbols, and abbreviations as appropriate. Final plans for the City's dredging <br />project shall be submitted on vellum, stamped and signed, and in AutoCAD 2000 <br />format on CD. <br />2. Pro egr ss Reporting: Consultant shall prepare and submit progress reports at least <br />once per month. Each report shall include a brief Project Status Report <br />summarizing the work accomplished, the status of work in progress, meeting <br />minutes, updates to the project schedule, delays, and any foreseeable problems <br />with the project. Progress reports shall be submitted to the Project Engineer by <br />the second Tuesday of each month for the duration of the work. <br />A-4 SCHEDULE <br />Based on the current schedule below, It is anticipated that all work under this agreement shall be <br />completed on or before December 31, 2006. The schedule and completion data for Consultant's <br />work under this agreement is subject to change as mutually agreed upon by Parties if the scope <br />of work is changed by the City, or project scheduling issues not under the control of Consultant <br />take place. Work shall commence immediately upon the issuance of an authorization letter by <br />City. <br />Below is the desired project schedule. Consultant shall strive to complete all applicable project <br />tasks in a timely manner such that the overall project schedule is maintained. It is understood <br />that permit review and approvals by agencies are outside the consultant's control and may delay <br />the project schedule. Any significant changes to the project schedule must be agreed to in <br />writing by both City and Consultant. <br />1. Council Approves Agreement <br />2. Notice to Proceed/Kickoff/Coordination Meeting <br />3. Hydrographic Survey of Berths (by others) <br />4. 50% PS&E Submittal and Review <br />5. 75% PS&E Submittal and Review <br />6. Sediment Sampling, Analysis & Report (by others) <br />7. 100% PS&E Submittal and Review <br />8. Final PS&E Submittal <br />9. Secure DMMO Permits/Authorizations (by others) <br />10. Bidding & Award <br />1LPre-Dredge Hydrographic Survey (by others) <br />12. City Berth Dredging <br />13. Post-Dredge Hydrographic Survey (by others) <br />14. Corps Channel Dredging <br />San Leandro Marina Channel and Berth Dredging 2006 <br />597-57-200-5120 <br />August 1, 2005 <br />August 15, 2005 <br />Late August 2005 <br />Late September 2005 <br />Late October 2005 <br />Early November 2005 <br />Late November 2005 <br />Late December 2005 <br />Early January 2006 <br />January -March 2006 <br />April 2006 <br />April -July 2006 <br />July 2006 <br />August -November 2006 <br />July 22, 2005 <br />Page 17 of 21 <br />