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Addressing Special Needs Housin;;. <br />• Most of the construction for the Housing Alliance Project, now known as Lorenzo Creek <br />Apartments, was completed. This is a 28-unit facility for very low-income households <br />who are formerly homeless and disabled. <br />Actions Taken To Address Obstacles to Meeting Underserved Needs, Foster <br />and Maintain Affordable Housing, and Eliminate Barriers to Affordable <br />Housing <br />Address Obstacles to Meeting Underserved Needs <br />The priorities, discussed in Exhibit A, "Comparison of Goals and Objectives: 2000-2004 <br />Consolidated Plan", are designed to address the underserved needs in San Leandro. The primary <br />obstacle to meeting the City's underserved needs is securing available funding resources. One of <br />the purposes of the City's Housing Strategy is to direct available financial resources on programs <br />and projects that result in the City meeting affordable housing goals identified in the Housing <br />Element. <br />The City adopted an inclusionary zoning ordinance in December 2004, which requires that 15% <br />of the units in any newly constructed rental or ownership housing developments within its four <br />redevelopment areas be designated for low- and moderate-income households. <br />Also, a density bonus provision was adopted to permit a developer to include more units within a <br />development than is typically allowed based upon the City's planning guidelines in exchange for <br />providing a larger number of affordable units than is required by the new ordinance. <br />Foster and Maintain Affordable Housin>w <br />The City worked with three non-profit developers to acquire properties for affordable <br />rental housing. Two of these projects did not go forward, but the City is still working <br />with the third developer. The City's Redevelopment Agency embarked upon the <br />acquisition process of the Islander Motel to convert it into permanent affordable rental <br />housing. The Agency conducted a Request for Qualifications process and chose awell- <br />regarded and highly experienced non-profit developer, Mercy Housing Corporation, to <br />help develop and manage the property. <br />The City's Single Family Housing Rehabilitation Program for minor home repair grants <br />and single-family house loans provided 13 grants to and 11 loans respectively to <br />homeowners to improve the existing housing stock and assist the elderly to age in place. <br />Draft Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report: FY2004-2005 <br />City of San Leandro <br />Page 16 <br />