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to seniors. <br />Priority # 7. Build on inter-jurisdictional cooperation and further <br />coordination and improvement of the homeless Continuum of Care System. <br />Activities Undertaken: <br />Continuum of Care Council <br />Responding to the need for comprehensive planning and coordination of services for the <br />homeless, the 45-member Alameda County-wide Homeless Continuum of Care Council was <br />formed in 1997. The Council coordinates local efforts to address homelessness, seeks to <br />maintain the existing service capacity, build new partnerships that generate greater resources for <br />the continuum of housing, services, and employment, and establishes inter-jurisdictional <br />cooperation. Recognized as a national model, the Council leveraged substantial federal, state, and <br />local resources for homeless housing and services, standardized data collection, implemented <br />Health, Safety and Accessibility Standards of Service for shelter facilities, and facilitated ayear- <br />round process of successful collaboration. The Council included representatives from each of the <br />HOME Consortium jurisdictions and CDBG entitlement jurisdictions in the County, service <br />providers and advocates, homeless or formerly homeless persons, representatives of the faith <br />community, business and labor representatives, and education and health care professionals. The <br />Council receives administrative funding through Alameda County's General Fund as well as <br />contributions from each of Alameda County's jurisdictions. <br />During this fiscal year the Council's accomplishments include: <br />• The continuation of the Homeless and Special Needs Planning process encompassed the <br />development of a chronic homeless plan, including a comprehensive plan on behalf of <br />homeless people and families, and prevention planning for marginally housed individuals <br />with disabilities. This planning process is jointly convened by the Continuum of Care <br />Council, Alameda County Departments of Public Health (Office of AIDS), Behavioral <br />Health Care Services, Social Services, and Housing and Community Development, as <br />well as the Cities of Oakland and Berkeley. The plan is scheduled to be completed in Fall <br />2005. <br />• Under a Congressional mandate to implement a coordinated data collections system for <br />cornrnunities receiving certain federal funds, the Alameda County-wide Homeless <br />Continuum of Care Council began implementation of the Homeless Management <br />Information System (HMIS) Phase I agencies. Under Phase I, 13 of 39 agencies were <br />assessed for technical readiness, evaluated for privacy and security protections, and assisted <br />with data input. The remaining 26 agencies will begin their participation under Phase II. <br />HMIS Phase I is expected to be completed by the end of the fiscal year, and Phase II will <br />begin in Fall 2005. <br />Draft Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report: FY2004-2005 <br />City of San Leandro <br />Page 8 <br />