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13. All "found monuments" shall be tied by survey and described with tag numbers and <br />recorded references. Two found monuments of Record (approved by the <br />Engineering and Transportation Department) must appear in a statement and be <br />labeled in each sheet of the map. A monument line shall be shown in all <br />subdivision streets with monument set in right-of--way. The elevation shall be <br />shown on at least one monument disk or Permanent Corner set to Datum City of <br />San Leandro with X,Y, Z, NAVD88. <br />14. If the design of any site improvement requires encroachments onto neighboring <br />properties during construction, written agreements with that property owner shall be <br />submitted to the City Engineer, for review and approval, prior to approval of the <br />Final Map far that phase. <br />15. This Vesting Tentative Map is a general plan of development. All details of <br />construction, including, but not limited to, on-site pavement slopes, pavement <br />section design, illumination, drainage, etc., are subject to the approval of the City <br />Engineer. <br />16. All T.V. Cable facilities shall be located and installed in accordance with the <br />City's "Design and Construction Standards for Ground-Mounted T.V. Cable <br />Facilities." <br />17. No street paving for any streets with existing public sanitary sewer mains and/or <br />storm drains shall be constructed unless and until any required rehabilitation <br />and/or upsizing of the mains have been completed. <br />18. Prior to the issuance of building permits for the project, the subdivider shall <br />obtain an Encroachment Permit from the Engineering and Transportation <br />Department for any work within the public right-of--way on Hesperian Boulevard. <br />19. The proposed Conditions, Covenants, and Restrictions (CC&R's) for the project <br />shall be approved by the City prior to approval of the Final Map. <br />20. Prior to the recordation of the Final Map with the Alameda County Recorder, the <br />subdivider shall submit to the City Engineer a computer disk with a file of the <br />points and lines of the final map in an AutoCAD-readable format compatible with <br />the City's Automated Mapping System. <br />B. STREETS <br />1. The City's Senior Transportation Engineer must approve all street widths and <br />sections within the project boundary. <br />2. Alternate B of the project would require encroachment of new private street entry <br />into the APN 77D-1480-37 at the end of Castle Street. If Alternate B is approved, <br />City Engineer's Report Page 3 of 7 Tract Map 7413 <br />