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Reso 2004-049
City Clerk
City Council
Reso 2004-049
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8/12/2009 11:46:37 AM
Creation date
8/7/2009 2:15:59 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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then the subdivider shall acquire this encroached property from the adjacent <br />owner and dedicate to the City as a public right-of--way. However, if the <br />subdivider is unable to acquire the property, the alignment of the new street entry <br />shall be changed so that no additional public right-of--way is needed. This <br />condition is met because alignment of the new roadway does not encroach into <br />the private property. <br />3. The subdivider shall remove any substandard curb, gutter and sidewalk, along the <br />full project frontage on Hesperian Boulevard, and shall construct new City <br />standard curb, gutter and sidewalk in the same location and/or alignment as the <br />existing concrete improvements. As per City standards no valley gutter is <br />allowed at the intersection of Hesperian Boulevard and the new street. <br />4. The subdivider shall submit a proposed street name, for the review and approval <br />of the City Engineer. <br />S. The subdivider shall provide a vehicle turn-around at the western end of the <br />private street due to the lack of public access to Castle Street. The City Engineer <br />shall approve the dimensions and layout of the vehicle turn-around. <br />6. Street lighting maintained by the homeowner's association, shall be provided over <br />the entire private street system, to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. <br />7. Handicap ramps shall be provided at appropriate locations, as directed by the City <br />Engineer. <br />C. STORM DRAINAGE <br />1. All storm water runoff from the project shall be collected in an underground <br />system and conveyed to an appropriate storm drain system. The subdivider shall <br />submit hydrologic and hydraulic calculations for review and approval of the City <br />Engineer. <br />2. The subdivision shall be graded to allow for the overland release of runoff into <br />Hesperian Boulevard during a higher than design storm event and/or in the event of <br />total failure of the on-site storm drainage system. <br />3. The subdivider shall relocate the existing 1 S inch storm drain line (from Castle <br />Street to Hesperian Boulevard) on the north side of the property in the private street <br />and abandon the existing storm drain line as determined by the City Engineer to <br />carry storm water from Castle Street. The subdivider shall reserve an easement for <br />a public storm drain in the private street. In addition, the subdivider shall modify <br />the catch basins and storm drain in Castle Street as necessary. The new storm line <br />must be in place prior to abandonment of the existing line. <br />City Engineer's Report Page 4 of 7 Tract Map 7413 <br />
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