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formation of ABAG POWER. If either the Chair or Vice-Chair ceases to be a <br />director, the resulting vacancy will be filled at the next meeting of the Board. <br />(c) The Chair and Vice-Chair are not entitled to compensation. The Board may <br />authorize reimbursement of expenses incurred by officers. <br />(d) The Board may create such other offices and appoint individuals to such offices <br />as it considers either necessary or convenient to carry out the purposes of this <br />Agreement. <br />11. Limitation on Liability of Members for Debts and Obligations of ABAG POWER. Pursuant <br />to Government Code Section 6508.1, the debts, liabilities, and obligations of ABAG POWER do <br />not constitute debts, liabilities, or obligations of any party to this Agreement. A Member may <br />separately contract for or assume responsibility for specific debts, liabilities, or obligations of <br />ABAG POWER. <br />12. Fiscal Year. The first fiscal year of ABAG POWER is the period from the date of this <br />Agreement through December 31, 1998. Each subsequent fiscal year of ABAG POWER ends on <br />December 31. <br />13. Budget. The Board may adopt, at its sole discretion, an annual or multi-year budget <br />not later than sixty (60) days before the beginning of a fiscal year. <br />14. Annual Audits and Audit Reports. The Chief Financial Officer/Treasurer will cause an <br />annual financial audit to be made by an independent certified public accountant with respect to <br />all ABAG POWER receipts, disbursements, other transactions and entries into the books. A <br />report of the financial audit will be filed as a public record with each Member. The audit will be <br />filed no later than required by State law. ABAG POWER will pay the cost of the financial audit <br />and charge the cost against the Members in the same manner as other administrative costs. <br />15. Establishment and Administration of Funds. <br />(a) ABAG POWER is responsible fer the strict acccuntabilifiy of all funds and reports <br />of all receipts and disbursements. It will comply with every provision of law <br />relating to the establishment and administration of funds, particularly Section <br />6505 of the California Government Code. <br />(b) The funds will be accounted for on a full accrual basis. <br />(c) The Chief Financial Officer/Treasurer will receive, invest, and disburse funds only <br />in accordance with procedures established by the Board and in conformity with <br />applicable law. The Chief Financial Officer/Treasurer will procure a fidelity bond. <br />16. New Members. For the purpose of this section only, all Members admitted after January <br />1, 1999 are New Members. <br />(a) A public entity may be admitted as a New Member only upon atwo-thirds (2/3) <br />vote of the Board and upon complying with all other requirements established by <br />the Board and the Bylaws. <br />(b) Each applicant for membership as a New Member must pay all fees and <br />expenses, if any, set by the Board. <br />17. Withdrawal. Members may withdraw in accordance with conditions set forth in the <br />Bylaws provided that no Member may withdraw if such withdrawal would adversely affect a <br />bond or other indebtedness issued by ABAG POWER, except withdrawal under such <br />circumstances .may be effected upon atwo-thirds (2/3) vote of the Board. <br />Wind Up Agreement -Attachment AAttachment A <br />