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7. Services: ABAG has provided, or will provide, the following services for the benefit <br />of Public Agency: <br />7.1 Analyze and evaluate electric load profiles and/or electric time of use data, <br />transmission, distribution, billing and metering options, and electric supply acquisition and <br />aggregation strategies; <br />7.2 Negotiate prices and quantities of an electric supply, scheduling services, <br />billing services, and other services, products or equipment reasonably necessary for Public <br />Agency's participation in the Electric Program through processes which may include but are <br />not limited to invitations to bid, requests for proposal or competitive negotiations. <br />8. Direct Access Imolementation: For each Account for which ABAG and Public Agency <br />fulfills the requirements of Paragraphs 4 and 5 and for which the UDC authorizes the <br />commencement of direct access, ABAG will provide or cause to be provided an electric <br />supply and perform, or cause to be performed, the following services: <br />(a) scheduling; <br />(b) transmission; <br />(c) distribution; <br />(d) billing; <br />(e) Hourly Metering; <br />(f) general administrative, management, fiscal and consultation services <br />necessary or convenient for the Electric Program. <br />ABAG is negotiating contracts for the- provision of scheduling and billing services. <br />Transmission and distribution services will be provided to Public Agency through regulated <br />tariffs. Hourly Metering options and the method for selecting the means of providing Hourly <br />Metering is described in Paragraph 4. <br />9. Agency Relationsh~: Public Agency authorizes ABAG to act as its exc{usive agent to <br />implement the Electric Program for the Accounts and does hereby constitute and appoint an <br />authorized officer or agent of ABAG to act on its behalf as its lawful agent for the <br />implementation of the Electric Program. This authorization will include the right to do and <br />perform all acts, with full power to execute all documents requisite and necessary to be <br />done in all matters relating to the purchase, sale, scheduling, transmission, distribution, <br />metering and billing of electricity for the Electric Program, including without limitation, the <br />power to release Public Agency's historic and current electric usage data to third party <br />vendors and service suppliers. <br />10. Notification of Changes in Accounts: Public Agency will notify ABAG of changes in <br />Public Agency's facilities or operations, which are reasonably expected to increase or <br />decrease the consumption of electricity by more than ten percent (10%) as compared to <br />historical levels. Public Agency may add accounts to Exhibit A upon prior written notice to <br />ABAG and the submission of the appropriate form required by the CPUC or the Utility. <br />Public Agency may delete accounts from Exhibit A only upon written consent of ABAG, which <br />consent will not be unreasonably withheld, except that Public Agency may delete accounts <br />without ABAG's consent if Public Agency abandons the facility or transfers the facility to <br />another entity. <br />11. Rate Schedule: As soon as practicable after ABAG has fixed the costs of the <br />Contracted Supply, scheduling, transmission, distribution, billing, and, if applicable, Hourly <br />Metering services, ABAG will establish up to ten (10) rates, each expressed as $x.xxJkWh <br />Wind Up Agreement -Attachment AAttachment A <br />