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Agmt 2004 Freyer & Laureta Inc
City Clerk
City Council
Agmt 2004 Freyer & Laureta Inc
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8/12/2009 3:15:08 PM
Creation date
8/11/2009 10:58:01 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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Reso 2004-168
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• Determine the inverts and pipe sizes for all entering and exiting pipes within <br />sanitary sewer manholes. <br />• Inverts, pipe sizes and direction of flow will be collected within storm drain <br />manholes for the main storm drain lines. <br />• Locate all visible improvements, driveways and utilities not shown on the City <br />provided Base Drawings, including existing U.S.A. markings within <br />easements or Right-of--Ways. The limit of work will be the back of sidewalk <br />or 5' beyond back of curb or easement. <br />• Survey information will be translated to AutoCad drawings for use in the <br />design effort. <br />• Notify Homeowners prior to surveying in easement areas. <br />• Input the utility information compiled from utility agencies into the drawings. <br />A-2.2 Project Development Meetings -Consultant shall attend a project kick-off <br />meeting and up to 3 meetings with the City for project development. The intent <br />of the meetings is for the Parties to discuss the scope of work, tasks, milestones, <br />recommendations, and for the City to provide clear direction for the design. <br />A-2.3 Monthly Progress Reporting -Consultant shall prepare monthly progress <br />reports. Each monthly report shall include a brief Project Status Report <br />summarizing the work accomplished, the status of work in progress, updates to <br />the project schedule, delays, and any foreseeable problems with meeting the <br />schedule or budget. Progress Reports shall be delivered to the City by the second <br />Tuesday of each month for the duration of the work. <br />A-2.4 Preliminary Plans, Cost Estimates and Recommendations -Consultant shall <br />prepare and provide three (3) sets of the preliminary plans, estimates and <br />recommendations to the City for review. Following the City's review of the <br />preliminary plans, estimates and recommendations, Consultant shall meet with the <br />City to discuss the project areas to be included in the final design and bid <br />documents. <br />A-2.5 Design Services -Consultant shall prepare project contract documents including <br />specifications and contract drawings for the selected project areas in coordination <br />with City staff. Contract drawings will be in AutoCad format at a scale <br />appropriate to show the necessary information (typically 20-scale). Drawings will <br />show plan and profile (as needed) and appropriate construction details and notes. <br />A-2.5.1 Phase I - 70% Design <br />• 70% Plans -Consultant will prepare 70% Plans based on the <br />approved Preliminary Plans. All sheets shall be prepared in <br />accordance with City's drafting standards and will be on City's <br />standard borders supplemented by Consultant's drafting standards <br />and standard details, symbols, and abbreviations as appropriate. <br />Sanitary Sewer Pipeline Replacements 04-OS October 19, 2004 <br />OS-593-52-211 Page 16 of 22 <br />
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