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the commercial passenger aircraft landing at the North Field, the 2003 SEIR concluded "the <br />significant noise impact identified in earlier documents at Site D in San Leandro in 2020 under the <br />ADP would not occur." <br />F. The Federal Aviation Administration ("FAA") has offered to the Port that, subject to <br />completion of feasibility and environmental evaluation, it may provide a new ILS for the Airport's <br />North Field to be installed on Runway 27L. The Port desires to have the option of installing the new <br />ILS on 27L rather than relocating the existing ILS from Runway 27R to Runway 27L, with the result <br />that both Runway 27L and Runway 27R at the Airport's North Field would have an ILS. The Port <br />also desires to have the option of declining the FAA's offer regarding a second ILS for any reason, <br />including if the Port is expected to contribute a substantial portion to the funding of the second ILS. <br />The Port has presented information to the City explaining why installation of a second ILS at North <br />Field would not be expected to increase the capacity of the Airport's North Field and would not be <br />expected to result in new significant noise effects on the City's residents. <br />G. This Agreement Addendum is intended to modify Section 8 of the 2000 Settlement <br />Agreement to allow for the potential installation of a second ILS at the North Field, and to release the <br />Port from the requirements of Section 8 of the 2000 Settlement Agreement, such that the Port is not <br />obligated to relocate the existing ILS from Runway 27R to Runway 27L. <br />H. The 1997 EIR also determined that implementation of the ADP would contribute to a <br />projected significant traffic impact at the Davis Street/Doolittle Drive intersection during the a.m. <br />peak hour under the conditions assumed to occur in 2010, which impact would exist with or without <br />the ADP. To address this projected impact, the 1997 EIR identified a mitigation measure calling for <br />either [1] the addition of a second westbound right-turn lane on Davis Street or [2] provision of a <br />minimum 1,000-foot-long northbound right turn lane on Doolittle Drive, and a free right-turn lane on <br />westbound Davis Street. <br />I. To commence negotiations to implement the above-described mitigation measure, the <br />Parties included Section 31 in the 2000 Settlement Agreement. Section 31 provides, in part, that the <br />Parties agree in good faith "to negotiate an agreement that will provide that the Port shall construct <br />an additional right turn lane and associated improvements at the intersection of Davis and Doolittle at <br />the Port's cost, subject to a firm commitment from the City to reimburse the Port for 95% of the <br />Port's casts." Section 31 further provides that the foregoing provisions "shall result in legally- <br />binding obligations of the Parties only if they execute, at their discretion, a subsequent rnutually- <br />acceptable agreement creating the obligations, and then only to the extent the obligations are <br />expressly provided in the subsequent agreement." <br />J. The City intends to construct intersection improvements in excess of what is called <br />for in Section 31 of the 2000 Settlement Agreement, in order to address traffic impacts from other <br />surrounding development ("Intersection Project"). The City intends to form a traffic impact area for <br />which a fee will be established that future developers will be required to pay to compensate the City, <br />and other developers, who have contributed to the cost of the improvements. <br />K. This Agreement Addendum is intended to modify Section 31 of the 2000 Settlement <br />Agreement, and to set forth each Party's obligations with respect to the Intersection Project <br />construction administration and funding. <br />2 <br />