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Agmt 2004 City of Oakland Port Commissioners (2)
City Clerk
City Council
Agmt 2004 City of Oakland Port Commissioners (2)
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Agmt 2000 City of Oakland Port Commissioners (2)
\City Clerk\City Council\Agreements\2000
Reso 2004-169
(Approved by)
\City Clerk\City Council\Resolutions\2004
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L. This Agreement Addendum is further intended to modify other sections of the 2000 <br />Settlement Agreement, which modifications are set forth below. <br />AGREEMENT <br />Now, therefore, the Parties agree as follows: <br />Amendment to Section 8 of the 2000 Settlement Agreement <br />1. 'The City agrees that, notwithstanding the provisions of Section 8 of the 2000 <br />Settlement Agreement or any provision of the 2000 Settlement Agreement, the Port shall not be <br />obligated to relocate the ILS, or such other current state-of--the-art system performing the functions of <br />the ILS, from Runway 27R to Runway 27L. The Port also shall provide the City with written <br />progress reports three times per year on the status of the relocation of the ILS: <br />2. The City further agrees that the Port shall have the prerogative, at the Port's absolute <br />discretion, to: (a) install or allow installation of a second ILS, or such other current state-of--the-art <br />system performing functions of the ILS, at the Airport's North Field; (b) relocate or allow relocation <br />of the existing ILS, or such other current state-of--the-art system performing functions of the ILS, <br />from Runway 27R to Runway 27L; or (c) take no further action to relocate or allow relocation of the <br />existing ILS, or such other current state-of--the-art system performing functions of the ILS, from <br />Runway 27R to Runway 27L. <br />3. The City agrees to accept any final governmental approval directly related to the <br />installation or relocation of an ILS (or other system that serves an equivalent purpose) provided such <br />approval does not result in an increase in capacity at North Field. The Port agrees to facilitate a <br />meeting with the FAA and the City to review and discuss any environmental documents that maybe <br />prepared to install or relocate an ILS (or such other current state-of--the-art system for performing <br />functions of an ILS). At the request of the City, the Port further agrees to facilitate a public meeting <br />with the FAA on any environmental documents related to the ILS. <br />4. The Parties agree they will work together to prepare, and coordinate with the FAA <br />regarding, a Preferential Runway Use Agreement for the North Field that addresses the mutual noise <br />mitigation concerns of the Parties relative to nighttime operations at North Field and touch and go <br />(training) operations. The points of this Preferential Runway Use Agreement may include but not be <br />limited to: <br />a) Runway 9R/27L is the preferred runway for noise abatement at night. <br />b) Runway 27L will be identified as the preferred North Field runway for nighttime arrivals <br />whenever possible as determined by the FAA. <br />c) Touch and go (training) flights will be directed to use Runway 27L whenever possible as <br />determined by the FAA in order to reduce the likelihood that such flights would pass over <br />residential neighborhoods in San Leandro. <br />
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