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Agmt 2003 Winzler & Kelly Consulting Engineers
City Clerk
City Council
Agmt 2003 Winzler & Kelly Consulting Engineers
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8/19/2009 9:35:39 AM
Creation date
8/17/2009 9:13:14 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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Reso 2003-135
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2.4 Billing <br />Contractor invoices shall: <br />• Provide current billing expenses, as well as a running total of expenses, payments <br />received, invoices billed, and remaining balances on each purchase order. <br />• Separate expenses into four categories based on City funding accounts: 1) Street <br />Pedestrian Improvements (TLC Grant funding), 2) Street Reconstruction, 3) <br />Utility Undergrounding, 4) other downtown improvements <br />• Provide an itemized invoice listing of billed reimbursable expenses, as well as a <br />running total of reimbursable expenses <br />• Reference project account number (961-86-045) as well as the purchase order <br />number as designated <br />2.5 Miscellaneous <br />• Unless specifically noted otherwise, all meetings with City Staff shall occur in <br />San Leandro City Hall located at 835 East 24th Street in San Leandro during <br />normal business hours. <br />3.0 PROJECT SPECIFIC SCOPE OF WORK AND DELIVERABLES <br />3.1 Verify Existing Site Conditions <br />Contractor will field check Topographic Survey Map provided by the City's Surveying <br />Consultant. Provided survey to contain the following data: <br />• Spot elevations to hundredths of a foot at all building entrances, building corners, <br />tops of curbs, gutter grades, drainage inlet grades, utility vaults, and other similar <br />features <br />• Horizontal positions of all curbs, gutter, and vaults sizes and orientation, tree <br />sizes, valve boxes, control monuments, walls, utilities, and utility boxes <br />• Underground vaults that have manhole covers will have the exterior limits of <br />vaults dashed and shown <br />Electronic files will be expected to have all grade breaks defined such that cross <br />sections when generated show the true field condition <br />Contractor shall field review as-built drawings in the field to determine if horizontal <br />position of all utilities within the street and sidewalk section are properly shown. <br />Vacuum extraction techniques shall be employed during the Design Development phase <br />once utility interference questions have been evaluated to determine vertical position of <br />utilities at four to five locations (1 day's work). These vacuum extractions will be <br />performed where the Consultant's Design Team has determined critical position data <br />must be obtained. Hole repairs will be done to the City's satisfaction. All data obtained <br />shall be added to a special layer/layers in the Topographic Survey CAD File. <br />CSA-Winzler and Kelly Page 5 of 25 <br />West Estudillo/Historic Downtown Improvement Project No. 961-86-045 <br />
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