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TASK 2: ANNUAL CORDGRASS CONTROL EFFORT (NORTH MARSH) <br />ESA will coordinate tide gate closure in the late summer and monitor North Marsh until <br />optimal conditions are reached for cordgrass control. Control will entail herbicide <br />application and will be carried out by the City, with ESA providing oversight. ESA will <br />collect quantitative data on the location, vigor and types of cordgrass present in North <br />Marsh at this time. This information will be compared with previous year's data to assess <br />trends and status of the cordgrass population. Cordgrass populations in the other marshes <br />will also be assessed on a qualitative level. Data and information gathered in this task <br />will be presented in a report to the City at the end of the fiscal year, along with <br />information gathered from Task 3. <br />TASK 3: BIENNIAL AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY/GIS MONITORING <br />Aerial photography is a valuable tool used monitor, map, and analyze large scale and <br />ong-term changes in landscape attributes. As noted in the Operations Manual a number <br />of changes in marshlands characteristics can be seen when comparing aerials taken in <br />1994 and 2000. Under this Task ESA will coordinate the production of a current aerial <br />photograph of the marshlands and will compare the 2003 aerial, using GIS, to those <br />taken previously in order to assess changes in marsh vegetation and hydrology over the <br />period of record. <br />TASK 4: SEASONAL TIDEGATE MONITORING (NORTH MARSH) <br />Opening and closing of the marsh tide gates has been problematic in the past due, in part, <br />to unimpeded barnacle growth. ESA will monitor the tide gates quarterly in 2003-2004 <br />to determine how often the gates need cleaning and the optimal time for cleaning. ESA <br />will inform the City if and when the gates need cleaning and if they appear to be <br />functioning properly throughout the year. <br />TASK 5: ON-CALL SERVICES <br />Lastly, since the beginning of our involvement with SLSM, we have provided the City <br />with a variety of services not directly related to our scoped tasks, for example, examining <br />ground squirrel densities and feral cat populations, assisting with public outreach and <br />marsh interpretation, and advising the City on regulatory agency issues, and tide gate <br />operations. Under Task 5, we would continue these services as the proposed budget <br />allows or on a time-and materials basis. <br />San Leandro Shoreline Marshlands 2 Environmental Science Associates / 201205 <br />Ongoing Biological Assessment and Management Services Submittal Date: July, 2003 <br />