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With the assistance of City Staff, the Contractor shall combine these options into two (2) <br />overall Project Alternatives for East 14th Street Improvements. A site plan, cross <br />sections, outline specifications and estimate probable construction cost shall be provided <br />for each of the Project Alternatives. Programming, feasibility, and budget constraints <br />shall also be addressed for each Project Alternative. <br />For the Decorative Street lighting, the report will define: <br />• Define the size and quantity of power conduits <br />• Define preferred position of street lighting trench <br />• Define the typical section <br />• Establish preliminary estimate of probable construction cost <br />• Define vault cover pan lids/architectural vault cover concepts <br />• Develop details/considerations for interim services <br />• Develop strategies for construction staging <br />• Develop strategies for operation staging <br />This report shall include the following drawings: <br />Landscape Architectural: Typical section and layouts for: <br />1. 3 Intersections on E 14th <br />Street Lighting 1"-60' scale master plan for the project area and layouts showing one <br />City block each of the three street lighting alternatives. <br />Deliverables: Ten (10) copies of report and drawings. <br />3.2 Comment Response Report <br />Contractor shall meet with City, review draft response to comments, and prepare a letter <br />report that will be a compilation of all agency comments with responses cited <br />immediately below each comment. Issue report two weeks after meeting. <br />3.3 Coordination Meetings <br />Contractor shall attend and prepare minutes of four (4) meetings with City and Caltrans <br />staff. Contractor shall coordinate and meet with Design Team. These meetings are <br />assumed to occur at the same time as meetings for the Downtown Area Project. <br />3.4 Public Meetings <br />Contractor shall prepare presentation material and attend up to four (4) speciaUpublic <br />meetings. Present Design Report and Schematic Design. The City shall provide public <br />notification. Presentation materials include 22" x 34" graphic boards and power point <br />CSA-Winzler and Kelly Page 6 of 28 <br />Davis St/East 14`i' St Lighting and Pedestrian Enhancements Project No. 962-83-062 <br />