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Task 2.2 -Geometric Alternative Design Analyses <br />Contractor shall develop geometric alternatives for the Timothy Drive and Westgate <br />Extension connections to Davis Street. Two separate geometric alternatives will be <br />prepared in addition to the existing geometry presented in the City's conceptual design. <br />City and Caltrans shall select one preferred alternative. Contractor shall proceed with <br />studies and design for the preferred alternative. <br />Task 2.3 -Alternative Design Selection <br />Contractor shall coordinate work with City and organize a meeting with Caltrans to <br />present the geometric alternatives. City and Caltrans shall select one preferred alternative. <br />Contractor shall attend two meetings with the City and / or Caltrans to present and <br />discuss the elements of the geometric alternatives. Contractor shall prepare and distribute <br />meeting minutes to meeting participants. <br />Task 2.4 -Environmental Document -NOT IN SCOPE <br />Task 2.5 -Field Surveying <br />Contractor shall obtain City monument and design control. Contractor shall coordinate <br />with City and perform field control surveys for additional topographic survey as required <br />to verify existing features or grades for the Project. It is assumed that topographic <br />surveys will not require traffic control. <br />Task 2.6 -Field Investigations <br />Contractor shall perform field investigations to verify design features and ensure that <br />Project plans convey existing conditions. <br />Task 2.7 -Geotechnical Design Report <br />Contractor shall perform geotechnical studies to include drilling, sampling, laboratory <br />testing and corrosion testing. Contractor shall present testing results, site characterization, <br />engineering analyses, earthwork and site grading recommendations, retaining wall design <br />criteria, lateral earth pressures, and pavement design sections in a Geotechnical Design <br />Report. The Geotechnical Design Report recommendations shall be implemented into the <br />Project design. <br />Task 2.8 -Soil Sampling <br />Contractor shall perform soil sampling for hazardous material. Soil sampling shall be <br />performed concurrently with the geotechnical borings identified in Task 2.7 and shall be <br />supplemented with shallow, hand augering sampling. Contractor shall perform <br />laboratory analyses for total lead and pH (12 samples each), waste extraction testing (3 <br />samples), and pesticides (4 samples). The results of the analysis shall be documented in <br />the PSI as outlined in Task 2.10. <br />Contractual Services Agreement Design Services Page 5 of 38 <br />Revised 5-02 Westgate Extension to Williams Street Project, Project No. 03-]44-39-003, ACTIA Project No. 18 <br />