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Board by this Agreement or the Bylaws. <br />B. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE <br />An Executive Committee may be formed by the Board of Directors to administer and operate the risk <br />management programs of the Authority. The Committee shall have such authority, except those <br />exclusively reserved to the Board, as necessary and proper for the administration of the programs of <br />the Authority within the policies established by the Board of Directors. <br />C. <br />The Board of Directors or the Executive Committee may establish other committees as may be deemed <br />expedient in the establishment or implementation of a program. <br />D. OFFICERS <br />(1) President and Vice President <br />At the first Board of Directors meeting, the Directors shall elect a President and Vice <br />President from among its members as prescribed in the Bylaws. Such President and Vice <br />President shall serve such terms as stated in the Bylaws. Subsequent Presidents and Vice <br />Presidents shall be elected as described in the Bylaws. <br />(2) Other Officers <br />The President shall appoint a Secretary and a Treasurer who shall serve as described in the <br />Bylaws. <br />The Board may create an office as deemed appropriate for the operations of the Authority <br />and the President shall appoint one to serve in such office. <br />(3) Any person elected or appointed as an officer may be removed from such office by a <br />majority of the weighted votes of the Board of Directors. <br />MEMBERSHIP IN THE AUTHORITY <br />A. Each "Party" to this Agreement and any "Members" represented by the "Party" must be an agency <br />permitted to self-insure in the State of California and eligible for membership in the Authority as <br />defined in the Bylaws. Each "Party" becomes a "Member" of the Authority and shall be entitled to the <br />rights and privileges of membership, and shall be subject to the obligations of membership, as <br />provided in this Agreement and in the Bylaws. <br />B. Each "Party" to this Agreement shall participate and continue to participate in the "Workers' <br />Compensation Excess" program for a period of not less than three (3) full program years. <br />C. This Agreement shall be binding upon the original "Parties" to this Agreement on the effective date of <br />this Agreement. <br />D. Upon two-thirds (2/3) weighted vote of the "Parties", any agency, that is eligible for membership as <br />defined in the Bylaws and is not a "Party" hereto, that desires to join the Authority created hereby, <br />may become a "Member" hereof by executing a copy of this Agreement whereby said agency agrees <br />to comply with the terms of this Agreement, the Bylaws, and the Memorandum of Coverage. This <br />Agreement shall be binding upon the agency effective as of the date of such execution. <br />LAWCX AGREEMENT (3/19/92 ed) June 18, 1992 <br />