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The Contractor will meet with the City to establish design criteria, guidelines and standards to be <br />used in the development of the contract documents. Contractor will adhere to the established <br />criteria and standards. <br />City to Provide: <br />• Geotecbnical study report <br />• Title block in AutoCAD Rel. 14 electronic file format <br />• Data for existing storm drain, sanitary sewer and other facilities owned by the City. <br />• Traffic Data. <br />• Project topographic survey. <br />• Standards plans <br />• Sample Project <br />• Conceptual Plan for Marina Blvd <br />Assumptions: <br />• Design for the relocation and modification of utilities will be the responsibility of the <br />utility owner unless otherwise stated in this scope. Contractor will coordinate design with <br />utility relocation plans <br />• Design of railroad appurtenances will be by the railroad and included in the project <br />drawings. <br />• Existing utilities and storm drain facilities will be shown within a 150-foot wide strip <br />centered along the realigned roadway layout line. <br />• Utility relocation agreements and similar documents will be prepared by others. <br />• Field locating or potholing for utilities not visible at the site is not included in this scope. <br />• It is anticipated that no off-site utilities will have to be relocated for tlris project. <br />Deliverables: <br />• Project Schedule <br />• Project base mapping and cross sections <br />• Index of utilities <br />• Memo of understanding outlining design criteria, guideline and standards to be used <br />TASK 2 PRELIMINARY DESIGN <br />The Contractor will prepare Preliminary Design Drawings, 30 percent complete, based on the <br />conceptual drawing supplied by the City. Using the topographic mapping and supplemental <br />survey/data collection, Preliminary Design Drawings will be prepared on standard City formatted <br />plan and profile sheets at a scale of 1-inch equals 20-feet. Roadway information, including <br />horizontal and vertical alignment, typical roadway cross sections and permanent traffic control <br />information will be provided. The Drawings along with the City's review will be used to prepare <br />the PS&E for the project. Drawings will be of sufficient detail for review of horizontal and <br />vertical geometries, and establish design constraints or fatal project flaws. <br />Exhibit A Page 3 of 13 <br />STIP Marina Widening <br />