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APPENDIX D. <br />ACKNOWLEDGEMENT <br />All publicity or promotional materials concerning the project, including press releases, feature <br />stories, public service announcements, brochures, product literature and signs must be <br />submitted to your grant manager for review and approval. <br />All of the aforementioned materials must acknowledge the Alameda County Recycling Board's <br />funding. <br />Examples of acknowledgments are shown below: <br />• This project made possible by a grant from the Alameda County Source Reduction <br />and Recycling Board. <br />• This project funded by the Alameda County Source Reduction and Recycling Board. <br />• The (grant recipient) gratefully acknowledges the financial assistance of the <br />Alameda County Source Reduction and Recycling Board. <br />• This containerlequipmentpurchosed through a grant from the Alameda County <br />Source Reduction and Recycling Board. <br />Contact your Grant Manager if you need the Agency's Logo. <br />Other acknowledgments maybe used upon approval of the Grant Manager. <br />Approval of media material shall not be unreasonably withheld for the contractor. Turnaround <br />time should be with in 5-10 business days from the date of receipt. <br />10 <br />