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Task 3.5: Finalize Assefs, Needs, and Opportunities <br />Assessments <br />Based on the research and outreach conducted throughout Task 3, the CD+A Team will finalize <br />the assessments and prepare a synthesis memorandum to be submitted to City Staff and the <br />SAAC for review. This will include text and graphic analysis to clearly summarize the findings of <br />this Task. [Please note that Fehr & Peers transportation assessments of future conditions related <br />to the plan development in Phases II and III will be summarized in memoranda during those <br />phases of the project]. <br />Work Products: <br />^ Final Assets, Needs, and Opportunities Synthesis Memorandum and list of refined <br />goals. <br />^ Fehr & Peers transportation assessment memoranda to be produced in relation to <br />design concepts being developed in Phases II and III. <br />Phase ll: Plan Development <br />In this phase of the project the CD-f-A Team will work with City Staff to design a set of <br />development, streetscape, and implementation concept alternatives; assess the effectiveness of the <br />alternatives and their ability to address the concerns of project stakeholders; and fmally, to draft <br />the Plan and Design Guidelines for the development concepts. <br />Task 4: Draft Design Concepts <br />Working from the idea of distinct segments and key nodes ("neighborhood and urban village <br />activity nodes," in the City's language) along the Corridor the CD+A Team will develop <br />prototypical concepts for key opportunity areas that will xeflect particular conditions along the <br />Corridor and street improvement concepts for each of the identified segments along the Corridor. <br />These focused concept plans will be based on an overall cohesive strategy for the entire Corridor <br />and its interface with adjacent planning areas, as well as streetscape concepts for areas such as the <br />North End of East 14~' Street and the Downtown. <br />Task 4.1: Initial Sketch Alternatives <br />Land Use Concepts <br />CD+A will lead the Team developing an initial overview of the desired character of the Corridor. <br />This plan will take the identified Preliminary Land Use Concepts, as presented in the Downtown <br />Rebound Planning Grant Application and the concepts defined within the Draft General Plan and <br />the Bal Theater Charrette, as a starting point and refine the segments to a higher level of detail. <br />The refined segments will take their cue from the existing land use, urban design, and streetscape <br />character; and the traffic and market assessments performed during Task 3. The plan will also <br />identify important nodes within the Corridor. This Corridor-wide map will form the basis for an <br />interim meeting with City Staff and SAAC Meeting #4 which will be attended by CD+A <br />(Erickson and Kronemeyer) and SE (Belzer and Breznau) to review the land use concepts and <br />EXHIBIT A Page 7 of 14 <br />AGRE~EXHIBiTA.DOC (Word 6.0) <br />