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and safety for intersections immediately adjacent to opportunity sites and develop <br />recommendations for likely traffic control changes, turn restrictions, crosswalk locations. In <br />addition to early assessments of these issues, Fehr & Peers will define future analyses that should <br />be conducted to more fully assess these and other operational issues such as driveway locations, <br />truck loading, and on-site pedestrian circulation. <br />^ Work Products:Draft Assets, Needs, and Opportunities Memorandum including <br />graphic analysis summarizing the transportation and parking policy and regulatory <br />assessment. <br />Description of existing conditions for pedestrians, motor vehicles, transit and <br />bicyclists, including level of service at the four key intersections (described above) <br />and assessment of parking supply; <br />Recommendations for accomplishing project goals while minimizing impacts to <br />transportation and parking supply on the corridor; and <br />Preliminary assessment of the impact of narrowing E 14th to three lanes in order to <br />accommodate other modes of travel, including Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) and <br />improvements to benefit pedestrians and bicyclists. This analysis would be <br />conducted for the preferred development scenario. <br />Task 3.4: Community Workshop #1 <br />Public Kick-off Meeting (issues assessment) <br />This Workshop will be conducted in an "Open House" format where the public can informally <br />view plans and illustrations, ask questions, and post comments regarding the baseline analysis. <br />The Open House will be hosted by the RAC and SAAC and will begin with a short presentation <br />by members of the CD+A Team, the RAC, the SAAC, and/or City Staff. [Please note that this <br />meeting will also serve as SAAC Meeting #3]. The Team recommends that representatives from <br />AC Transit attend the Workshop to provide information to the community regarding the future <br />BRT improvements in the corridor. The presentation will introduce Open House attendees to the <br />project and the focus of the particular Open House (e.g., assets, needs, and opportunities). <br />Following the presentation attendees will have the opportunity to look at work products and <br />discuss them with planning team members one-on-one. "Post-its" are provided so that people can <br />put their comments directly onto the drawings and other materials being presented; comment <br />sheets with specific questions can also be provided. Following the informal session, the attendees <br />will reconvene for a discussion of the comments heard during the informal session. The CD+A <br />Team will lead the discussion and focus it on highlighting key points of consensus and issues that <br />need further discussion or investigation as the project moves forward. <br />Members of the community, such as business and property owners, employers, residents, area <br />interest groups, and members of the City Council and Planning Commission will be invited. The <br />City will be responsible for announcing the event to these groups. <br />Work Products: <br />^ Copies of base maps and tables summarizing assets, needs, and opportunities; project <br />objectives; and project schedule. <br />^ Public input summary memorandum. <br />EXHIBIT A Page 6 of 14 <br />AGRB\EXH[BITA.DOC (Ward 6.0) <br />