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Phase Ill: Plan Refinement, CEQA Review & <br />Plan Adoption <br />Task 10: Refine Draft Plan <br />Phase III will begin with a meeting between the CD+A Team and City Staff in order to clarify the <br />direction given during the Planning Commission and City Council Joint Working Session. <br />Task 10.1: Refine Land Use Plan and Streetscape Concept <br />The Land Use Flan and Streetscape Concepts will be refined on the basis of suggestions and input <br />received during the review process performed in Tasks 5 through 9 and according to final <br />coordination with City Staff. The Refined Land Use Plan will be composed of a set of plan <br />drawings showing land uses and identifying each of the segments within the Corridor. Streetscape <br />Concepts will be illustrated via detailed plans and cross sections showing dimensions and <br />conceptual improvements. <br />Work Products: <br />^ Refined Land Use Plan and Streetscape Concepts. <br />Task 10.2: Refine Development Concepts & Design Guidelines <br />Refinements will also be made to the Development Concepts and Design Guidelines to reflect the <br />input gathered in Tasks S through 9. The Refined Development Concepts will illustrate buildings, <br />site circulation, parking, and conceptual landscape and street improvements. <br />Minor modifications will be made to the photo-simulations in order to reflect refinements to the <br />Development Concepts. <br />Work Products: <br />Refined Development Concepts and Design Guidelines. <br />Refined photo-simulations. <br />Task 10.3: Refine Implementation Strategy <br />The CD+A Team will refine the implementation strategy including implementation concepts to <br />reflect changes in the Refined Land Use, Streetscape And Development Concepts. <br />For the final report and development strategy document, Strategic Economics will write an <br />explanation of the financial model for each selected private development scenario, outlining <br />likely costs, revenues and describing the financing strategy. Strategic Economics will also <br />recommend specific incentives that the City may employ to attract development to the selected <br />sites, focusing on different kinds of indirect public subsidy to the development, such as the <br />creation of adjacent public amenities like open space or parking. <br />EXHIBIT A Page 12 of 14 <br />AGRE~EXHIBTTA.DOC (Word 6.0) <br />