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Work Products: <br />^ Refined Implementation Strategy section for Refined Draft Plan. <br />Task 10.4: Gommunity Workshop #3 <br />The third Workshop will present the refinements made to the Land Use Plan and Streetscape <br />Concepts, the Development Concepts and Design Guidelines, as well as the Implementation <br />Strategy. The Workshop will begin with a presentation by the CD+A Team and City Staff <br />updating participants on the refinements made to the above products. Feedback will be gathered <br />in an Open House format where participants can informally view plans and illustrations, ask <br />questions, and provide comments directly on the plans. <br />Work Products: <br />Copies of refined land use, streetscape, and development concept maps; tables <br />summarizing land use programs; project objectives; copies ofphoto-simulations <br />showing improvements; boards illustrating case study projects as examples of <br />potential development; (City Staff will provide copies of design guidelines and <br />implementation strategy). <br />Fublic input summary memorandum. <br />Task 10, 5: SAA C Meeting #8 <br />This meeting with members of the SAAC to make their final recommendations on the Land Use, <br />Streetscape, and Development Concepts, and to the Design Guidelines and Implementation <br />Strategy. <br />Work Products: <br />^ None <br />Task 10.6: Planning Commission and City Council Joint Working <br />Session <br />This follow-up study session with the Planning Commission and City Council will provide a <br />chance for members of both decision-making bodies to review and offer feedback on the refined <br />concepts, Design Guidelines, and Implementation Strategy are finalized and prior to the <br />beginning of the CEQA process. <br />Work Products: <br />^ Copies of Land Use, Streetscape, and Opportunity Site Development Concepts <br />^ City staff to provide copies of Design Guidelines and Implementation Strategy for <br />distribution. <br />EXHIBIT A Page 13 of 14 <br />AGRE~EXHIBITA.DOC (Word 6.0) <br />