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Work Products: <br />^ Final scope of work, schedule, and budget. <br />Task 3: Assets, Needs, & Opportunities Assessment <br />While there is always a need to assess existing conditions in any planning process, in this Task, <br />the CD+A Team will focus on identifying how the existing conditions of the E 14`h Corridor areas <br />can be defined as specific sets of assets, needs, and opportunities. Examples of these are <br />described in the project approach and understanding section at the beginning of this proposal. <br />Task 3.1: Land Use and Urban Form Assessment <br />CD+A will review existing base materials and hold preliminary discussions with City staff <br />regarding the existing conditions along the East 14`~ Street Corridor; this will include a site visit <br />with City staff. CD+A will review objectives, policies and regulations as presented in other city <br />documents relating to planning areas, which would affect or be affected by improvements along <br />the southern portion of East 14t'' Street. This will include, but will not be limited to the General <br />Plan, Zoning Regulations, the North Area Plan, and the Downtown Plan and Urban Design <br />Guidelines. All attempts will be made to effectively interface improvements within the project <br />area with adjacent planning areas. <br />Working from the City's initial list of opportunity sites; conversations with City Staff, SAAC <br />members, and affected agencies; site visits; and study of the Corridor's policy and regulatory <br />context the CD+A Team will identify assets, needs, and opportunities for redevelopment and <br />streetscape improvements within the Corridor. <br />Based on our understanding of current conditions along the Corridor using the General Plan's <br />identification of "activity" centers along E 14~', the analysis will reveal distinct segments and <br />important nodes, each reflecting the combined existing and potential patterns, including <br />residential and commercial land development, urban form, general roadway characteristics, and <br />key intersections. Defining the Corridor by segments and nodes will allow the Team to explore <br />design concepts in greater detail in Phase II, treating them as representative or prototypical <br />examples for other parts of the Corridor. This organization will also help stakeholders and the <br />public to organize how they think about the future of the Corridor, and ultimately, will assist in <br />prioritizing improvements during the implementation phase. <br />The Corridor will also be studied within its surrounding context in order to understand the <br />relationship between key nodes and adjacent neighborhoods, and their role as destinations outside <br />of their immediate surroundings. Variables that will be studied include: <br />^ Land use characteristics; <br />^ Existing right-of--way; <br />^ On-street parking; <br />^ Urban design and land use impacts of transportation characteristics, including future BRT <br />system; <br />^ Number of access points, and access control; <br />EXHIBIT A Page 3 of 14 <br />AGREIEXHIBITA.DOC (Word 6.0) <br />