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Garage project (with a small match from the City), and the remaining funds applied <br />toward other projects. Mayor Santos reiterated his position on returning all bond money <br />so as not to add to the City's current deficit. Mayor Santos insisted that Uche and Steve <br />look into the matter further. <br />2. Discussion Regarding Traffic Operations Center <br />Keith Cooke gave a PowerPoint presentation regarding the Advanced Traffic <br />Management System (ATMS) Upgrade. He provided a brief description of the existing <br />system that was installed in the late 1990s. At this time, 56 signals on 10 communication <br />channels are connected to the ATMS via fiber optics (36) and wireless interconnection <br />(6). Of the 56 signals, 14 are isolated and will require interconnection to the system. <br />There are 17 signals that have video detection capability (CCTV), which allows viewing <br />of those intersections from the traffic control centers. The system operates on serial ports <br />(modem technology), making the system very slow and nearly at the end of its useful life. <br />Keith stressed the need to upgrade the existing ATMS to be consistent with current <br />technology of both hardware and software. <br />The existing system was assessed and systems implemented in other cities were reviewed <br />to help the Transportation staff design an upgrade that will best match the City's current <br />and future system needs and budget. Western Pacific Signal, LLC was selected as the <br />consultant and final details are being worked on. The initial equipment testing process <br />takes place in September 2009, and in January 2010, the upgrade will be up and running. <br />Councilmember Reed asked if there will still be a need for two Traffic Centers (located in <br />City Hall and in Public Works Signal Shop), to which Keith responded that both will <br />remain open despite the upgrade. Keith assured that the upgrade will allow more traffic <br />and street information to be shared with the public, as well as other agencies and <br />organizations on a real time basis and will also improve traffic control strategies. <br />3. Discussion Regarding MacArthur Boulevard Phase II <br />Ken delivered a presentation on the MacArthur Boulevard Phase II project. He <br />specifically addressed a portion of the project at the MacArthur/Foothill/Superior <br />intersection. A variety of traffic issues (speeding, collisions/injuries, short merge lanes) <br />present some design challenges. Ken presented four design alternatives for Council's <br />consideration: Alternative 1 - No intersection improvement; Alternative 2 - Operational <br />changes; Alternative 3 - A signalized intersection; and Alternative 4 — A Roundabout. <br />The advantage of Alternative 2 is that it allows for minimal capital, maintenance and <br />operation costs ($10,000). Alternative 3 provides for a four-way signalized intersection <br />at a cost of $660,000 and the free right turn to Foothill Boulevard would be closed. <br />Mayor Santos expressed concern about blocking the lane from Sheffield Village to <br />continue onto MacArthur Boulevard. Alternative 4 will route traffic more efficiently, <br />improve safety, as well as esthetics. <br />