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Households eligible for prevention assistance must be living in the City of San Leandro. Households <br />eligible for re-housing assistance must have a demonstrable connection to San Leandro through a <br />connection of employment, education, enrollment in services, previous address or other link. <br />Number of households to be served: The total number of households able to be served with <br />prevention or re-housing assistance will depend on the number, type and length of financial assistance <br />subsidies provided. The City anticipates that not fewer than 150 to 194 unduplicated individuals and <br />approximately 200 to 293 families will be served with financial assistance during the three-year period <br />of the HPRP grant. Additional clients maybe assisted with TANF resources or linked to other subsidies <br />but receive housing stabilization services. <br />Term: The term of the contract is from September 1, 2009 through August 31, 2012. Funding for the <br />second and third years is contingent on satisfactory performance. <br />Location of Services: The primary location for services is at Davis Street Family Resources Center, <br />San Leandro's Housing Resource Center. <br />Critical dates: Sixty percent of HPRP funds must be expended by July 31, 2011. All HPRP funds <br />must be expended by August 30, 2012. <br />Outcome Measures and Reporting <br />Contractors will track and report on outcome measurements to be defined by the City with the <br />Contractor. These outcome measurements will include universal elements, which will be tracked <br />throughout HPRP programs across Alameda County and will include HUD required reporting <br />information, State required reporting information and local outcome tracking measures. Providers will <br />enter client level data into the Countywide "In-HOUSE" HMIS system on an ongoing basis for all <br />clients served under the HPRP. The HMIS system will be modified to specifically collect data relevant <br />to the HPRP. Data requirements and outcome measurements are under development and maybe <br />modified during the course of the program. <br />Contractor must comply if asked to participate in HUD-sponsored research and evaluation of HPRP. <br />Ex. A: Contractor's Scope of Work Page 6 of 6 <br />