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Facilities and Transportation Committee 4 November 10, 1009 <br />published in several publications, such as the Western Cities magazine. Staff engineers <br />have been invited to conventions to speak about the Program. <br />Uche indicated that local schools are visited every year by E&T staff. San Leandro <br />schools, as well as San Lorenzo and a few parochial schools are the focus of their visits. <br />All, except San Leandro High, are receptive to the Program. Students that are selected go <br />through a job application and interview process that involves writing an essay/letter. The <br />number of interns selected each year depends upon the demands of the projects at that <br />time. This year, nine interns where hired from various schools citywide. They are paired <br />with engineers; providing one-on-one training, and work 24-25 hours per week. This <br />year, the interns were involved in the license plate survey (Traffic Study), traffic <br />monitoring, and the ADA Ramps project, all with success and enthusiasm. <br />Councilmember Reed indicated that San Leandro High is in her district and will visit the <br />school and encourage the teachers to be more receptive of the idea and allow Staff to <br />recruit students. <br />3. Discussion Regarding Traffic Calming <br />Keith Cooke gave a PowerPoint presentation regarding Traffic Safety and Calming <br />projects. Keith Cooke summarized by saying the focus of these projects is to reduce <br />collisions in the city. A grant was provided by the MTC to perform studies of <br />intersections citywide, which have now been identified. Improvements were done to <br />tackle those areas. Keith addressed the collision rates for the top 12 locations from 2001 <br />to 2004 and the solutions used to improve safety at those intersections. The projects also <br />include installation of Speed Feedback signs and in-pavement lighted crosswalks at most <br />of the school crossings throughout the city. <br />Keith reported on the Neighborhood Traffic Calming List and the results once <br />improvements were in place. Public outreach was done to identify priorities and gauge <br />neighborhood support. Several areas showed no interest, so no improvements were <br />made. <br />Keith advised the Committee that collision rate calculations are performed every quarter. <br />The results help identify the top 20 problem intersections. Surveys will be done to see if <br />the improvements have made a difference and in Keith's opinion, improvements are very <br />effective. <br />Councilmember Souza made Staff aware that on Manor Boulevard, half of the in- <br />pavement lights are not working. Keith and Reh-Lin will look into it. <br />Keith reported on updating the Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan. Keith addressed the <br />need for a Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee and asked the Committee for their <br />support. The Committee approved and Keith will take the item to Council for approval. <br />4. Public Comments <br />None <br />