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Sewer Easements 2 December 21, 2009 <br />The intent of Phase II of the project is to extend the upstream end of the sewer mains to the <br />nearest right of way. With the new extensions in place, maintenance can be performed utilizing <br />the more powerful truck tools from the right of way, completing the tasks more safely and more <br />efficiently. <br />Four locations were specifically identified as requiring easements and legal descriptions were <br />prepared. Staff met with the property owners, two on Kenilworth Avenue and two on View <br />Drive. Three of the property owners have agreed to grant the City these easements at their fair <br />market value. (See attached easement documents.) Negotiations are still ongoing with the <br />owners of the property located at 1811 View Drive. <br />Current City Council Policy <br />Continued improvements to the City's sewer collection system to correct infiltration and capacity <br />problems. <br />Previous City Council Action(s) <br />• On November 15, 2004, by Resolution No. 2004-168, the City Council approved a <br />contractual services agreement with Freyer &Laureta, Inc. related to the Sanitary Sewer <br />Pipeline Replacement Project 2004-05, Project No. 593-52-211 <br />• February 19, 2008, by Resolution No. 2008-018, the City Council approved a contractual <br />services agreement with Freyer &Laureta, Inc. related to the Sanitary Sewer Pipeline <br />Replacement Project 2007-08, Project No. 07-593-52-211 <br />Applicable General Plan Policy <br />Goal 52--Ensure sewer and solid waste facilities are well maintained and improvements meet <br />existing and future needs. <br />Permits andlor Variances Granted <br />Rights will be obtained from property owners for the project. <br />Environmental Review <br />A Categorical Exemption has been filed with Alameda County. <br />Fiscal Impact <br />The total cost for all four easements is $3,900. Upon approval of this action, $2,250 will be paid <br />to the three property owners who have agreed to the easements. If negotiations are successful <br />with the fourth property owner, an additional $1,650 will be paid. <br />