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Facilities Committee Meeting Minutes <br />Page 3 <br />March 9, 2010 <br />Creation of a new fee requires a resolution by Council to add language to the <br />Administrative Code. To adopt a fee, certain findings need to be met for Council <br />consideration. Findings should indicate if the fee is appropriate; identify the purpose of <br />the fee (mitigate additional impact of traffic); identify the use of the fees (for design and <br />improvements); and determine the relationship between the amount of the fee in <br />relationship to the amount of improvements. <br />Councilmember Gregory asked if this project was part of a package presented to <br />Washington, to which Uche indicated yes. Mayor Santos encouraged staff to present the <br />project to Washington again and ask for 100% funding of the project. He added that he <br />will take the project to the U. S. Conference of Mayors again. Uche concurred, but added <br />that although we have funds from the private sector (Kaiser), we should also look at other <br />funding options if we cannot get the full funding from the federal .government. Mayor <br />Santos also recommended that it also be brought to Senator Dianne Feinstein and <br />Representative Pete Stark. <br />Councilmember Gregory asked about the High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) project. Keith <br />said that the HOV project will start in the beginning of 2012. The Kaiser hospital will be <br />completed in 2013. <br />Steve Hollister asked for clarification on the method of calculating the fee and wanted to <br />know why vehicle trips were. counted only during peak hours and not throughout the <br />entire day. Nick said that peak hour trips represent the heaviest use and therefore <br />determine the size of the improvements, whereas off peak trips occur during periods of <br />lower use and generally don't require constructing new infrastructure. Keith added that <br />all day travel data can be used, however peak hour travel data will be a better indicator of <br />the interchange usage and therefore was used to gauge the design of the project. <br />Mayor Santos recommends pursuit of funding from other sources and lobbying as best <br />we can. He agreed to recommend approval of the fee with the understanding that the fee <br />will be canceled if funding is found from other sources. Mayor Santos expressed his <br />concern for the cost that new developments will be asked to pay. If the fee is <br />implemented and funding is found elsewhere, he feels consumers should be entitled to a <br />rebate of their share. <br />Uche said the reason for going to Council is to approve the Impact Fee. Mayor Santos <br />hasn't heard from the public but feels that the fee may discourage further development in <br />the area. Councilmember Gregory requested the total cost of developer fees, since it is in <br />addition to the existing DFSI. Nick said the existing DFSI for single family homes is <br />around $580. (Correction, the fee for senior housing is approximately $580, the fee for <br />single family homes is approximately $1,170). <br />Committee suggests going forward with seeking additional funding for the project. <br />