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Facilities Committee Meeting Minutes <br />Page 5 <br />March 9, 2010 <br />Mayor Santos indicated that the City has an R&R program and that equipment is <br />supposed to be replaced. He asked why hasn't it been done especially after the 2002 and <br />2003 studies, which listed the problem items? He was taken aback at the condition of the <br />facility. Mike indicated that in 2003, Council decided to continue to own and operate the <br />plant. There was a 3-year period, from 2000 to 2003 when nothing was done, but it was a <br />planned decision while the City deliberated whether it was going to continue in the <br />wastewater treatment business. Once the decision was made to keep the plant, staff <br />began evaluating the condition of the plant and developed a comprehensive plan for <br />rehabilitating the entire facility. During the ten year period from 2000 to 2010 certain <br />structures have seen considerable deterioration, but that is not unexpected given the <br />tough, wet environment and the proximity to the bay. Staff has done considerable <br />maintenance in-house to extend the life of many structures during that time. <br />Mike summarized by saying that this project requires a lot of sequencing, in that new <br />additional units and systems need to go into place so that the old ones can be taken out of <br />service without impacting service and shutting down the plant at any point while still <br />operating within wastewater treatment requirements. That's the reason for such a big <br />plan that requires careful planning. <br />Staff will provide a presentation to the Finance Committee next month on the rate study. <br />Staff recommends that the Committee forward this project for consideration of the full <br />Council, approve the rates, and go through the process to qualify for SRF funding. Mike <br />emphasized moving quickly to take advantage of any stimulus funds and low interest <br />rates. <br />Mayor Santos expressed his approval for the project. Councilmember Gregory agreed <br />and wanted an idea of how long the project will take to complete. Ken said it will take <br />about two years, and a number of jobs will be created. Uche will gather more accurate <br />data and get back to Mayor Santos. Councilmember Gregory wanted to know about the <br />proposed mandate on storm water and if this project covers it. Mike said it is an <br />unfunded mandate and we can't use wastewater funds for it. A trash cleanup survey <br />needs to be performed by July 1, 2010; however, there is no funding for this. <br />Committee Recommendation: <br />The Committee recommends that the City Council schedule approval of the Treatment <br />Plant Rehabilitation Project. <br />4. Public Comments <br />None <br />5. Committee Member Comments <br />Councilmember Gregory asked when the 9th Grade campus will be finished. Keith <br />responded in August of 2010; in time for school. He also asked about the roadway <br />