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DRAFT MINUTES <br /> Page 5 <br />March 15, 2010 <br />City of San Leandro City Council and San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Joint Meeting <br /> <br /> <br /> Resolution No. 2010-029 <br />F., Resolution Approving a Contractual Services Agreement <br />Between the City of San Leandro and Pacheco Brothers Gardening, Inc. for Citywide <br />Turf Maintenance and Park Area Weed Abatement (provides maintenance services at 20 <br />parks and recreational facilities at $8,460.23 per month, equivalent to $101,522.70 per <br />year). (2323) <br /> <br /> <br />G.Matter of Authorizing the City Manager to File an Application for the Federal Jobs for <br />Main Street Act of 2010 (JFMS) Funds and Assuring the Completion of the Project and <br />Authorizing the City Manager to Appropriate $1,338,000 of Grant Fund to Complete <br />the Project (provides for construction and construction management costs to rehabilitate <br />arterial roadways). <br /> <br /> Resolution No. 2010-030 <br />, Resolution Authorizing the Filing of an Application for <br />Federal Jobs for Main Street Act of 2010 (JFMS) Funding and Stating the <br />Assurance to Complete the Project (authorizes submittal of funding application to <br />Metropolitan Transportation Commission [MTC] for rehabilitation of various <br />street segments). (3151) <br /> <br /> Resolution No. 2010-031 <br />, Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to <br />Appropriate $1,338,000 for Federal Jobs for Main Street Act of 2010 (JFMS) <br />Grant Funds (authorizes appropriation of grant funds for rehabilitation of various <br />street segments). (3151) <br /> <br /> Resolution No. 2010-032 <br />H., Resolution Approving Plans and Specifications and Calling <br />for Bids for the 2009 Sanitary Sewer Pipeline Replacement Project, Project No. 09-593- <br />52-211 (provides for sewer improvements at 5 locations). (3181) <br /> <br /> <br /> 9. ITEMS REMOVED FROM CONSENT CALENDAR <br /> <br />Public comments are limited to 3 minutes per speaker per item, subject to adjustment by the <br />Mayor. <br /> <br />8.D. An Ordinance Providing for the Conduct of the General Municipal Election Using <br />Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) (allows the City to use RCV in the November 2010 <br /> <br />election). <br /> <br /> Minute Order No. 2010-019 <br />, Motion to Continue the Matter to the April 5 City <br /> <br />Council Meeting. (1055) <br /> <br />The City Council continued the matter to the April 5, 2010 City Council <br />meeting. <br /> <br />M/S/C Starosciak and Prola. Ayes: 4; Noes: 0; Absent: 3 (Gregory, Reed, <br />and Souza) <br /> <br />