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Reso 2010-035
City Clerk
City Council
Reso 2010-035
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Last modified
4/7/2010 11:41:00 AM
Creation date
4/7/2010 11:39:58 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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3A Public Hearing 2010 0405
\City Clerk\City Council\Agenda Packets\2010\Packet 2010 0405
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o Updated recommendations for amending the zoning code, including minimum density <br />requirements for the RM zone, allowances for higher FARs for mixed use projects in the CC <br />and CN zones, amendments to the second unit standards, additional allowances for SROs, <br />and changes to the NA zone so that is more in line with the SA and D zones. <br />• The Implementation Chapter (Chapter 7) has been updated for consistency with Chapter 6. <br />Despite the large number of textual changes, the substantive direction provided by the 2003 Housing <br />Element will not change. The basic goals remain appropriate and continue to be consistent with the other <br />elements of the General Plan. <br />As noted earlier, the anticipated development discussed in the Housing Element is part of the anticipated <br />residential capacity identified in the previously adopted San Leandro General Plan and TOD Strategy. <br />The Element identifies an existing zoning capacity for 2,716 new housing units in the city, which is <br />substantially greater than the RHNA allocation. No Zoning Map changes will be required to achieve the <br />quantified housing objectives listed in the 2010 Element. Consequently, the environmental impacts <br />associated with adoption of the Element are minimal. <br />The proposed updates to the objectives, policies and actions will not by themselves create physical <br />development or result in any environmental impact beyond what was analyzed in the General Plan and <br />TOD Environmental Impact Reports. Future projects on the sites identified in the Housing Element <br />would be subject to project-specific environmental review. <br />Environmental Checklist <br />The Environmental Checklist and discussion that follows is based on questions provided in Appendix G <br />of the CEQA Guidelines. The questions focus on individual concerns within 17 different broad <br />environmental categories such as air quality, cultural resources, land use, and traffic. The CEQA <br />guidelines provide direction for preparing checklist responses. Each question in the Checklist requires a <br />"yes" or "no" reply indicating whether or not the project will have a potentially significant environmental <br />impact of a certain type. <br />The Checklist table provides other possible replies to the questions, including one which indicates the <br />project would have a "less than significant" impact, and another which indicates that the project could <br />have a significant impact but that the impact can be avoided if mitigation measures are applied. The "less <br />than significant" impacts correspond to those where relevant information, reports or studies demonstrate <br />that the impacts would not exceed a threshold of significance established by the lead agency. Impacts that <br />are "less than significant with mitigation" include those where it can be demonstrated that the <br />incorporation of clearly defined mitigation measures into the project would avoid impacts or reduce them <br />to less than significant levels. <br />Earlier analyses may be used where, pursuant to the tiering, program EIR, or other CEQA process, an <br />effect has been adequately analyzed in an earlier EIR or negative declaration (Section 15063(c)(3)(D) of <br />the Guidelines). In this case, a brief discussion should identify the earlier analysis used, the impacts that <br />were previously addressed, and the mitigation measures that were applied. <br />Housing Element Initial Study and Negative Declaration 7 February 2010 <br />
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